Chapter 02

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Elijah was woken up abruptly as he sat coughing and breathing heavily because of the water that had gone in his nostrils he looked to see a man with an empty water bucket standing there he looked around to see his classmates in same position while sparkle and other girls stood near the gate
Elijah felt furious, he stood up grabbed the man by collar and was about to beat him when the lady teacher from yesterday grabbed his hand
“remember anything you do here contains points and your points decide your fate so don't behave recklessly”
They all looked at the teacher who spoke in a monotone
“Get ready, take a shower wear your school uniform and you'll be guided in the auditorium to meet your president who will be welcoming you...” the lady teacher walked out after saying this Elijah looked at watch it was 6:30 am, he still had half an hour so they proceeded with their stuff
Girls were busy at looking at each other's expensive skin care products while boys showed off their muscles
Girls exchanged each of their items and added accessories in their uniforms
“Sparkle, what do you think...?” Kara
“Huh?.”sparkle asked looking at her..
“Elijah like you...”
And sparkle blushed other girls too rushed towards them, “Yeah and that's why he makes it so obvious...”
Kareena said,
“I know right, hey sparkle I like you...” Stella mimicked his voice
“Girls gosh please stop...” sparkle tried to move away from them she was only wrapping a towel around her..
“Damn look at her blushing...” stella pulled her back..

There was a bell ringing sound and now all the students were standing in the corridor dressed in their uniforms, while boys had thei upper button open, girls wore little accessories and chains in their hands and neck
The female teacher came inside and inspected all of them there were a lot of things she could have called out on them for but she said nothing she stood in the starting of their line and spoke
“Now in a line follows me to the auditorium there you'll meet the president who will welcome you all...”
“Ok we have heard it like a for a thousand time...” Elijah spoke and students only smirked and grinned in a giddy manner
They all walked behind the lady the room and corridor were clean there was more wood and brick work that looked fancy than other things they walked down the stairs and soon a grand room came into their way who's both doors were open...
They all entred in
“Stand here in a line...”
They all made a line and stood looking straight on the stage where there was dark but there was a spot of bright light and a male of about their age dressed up in the uniform properly walked towards the mic kept on the stage
The female teacher and old man who warned them stood there
The male had brunette hair, he looked at the students who stared back at him, he smiled and said
“The school of an alternative boarding school...” he spoke looking at them then smiling and looking at them for another moment he spoke again, “Any student who goes here is no ordinary kid...”
“You all will be spending much time of your lives here, no matter what circumstances are responsible for making you stand here...this is going to be like your second home, you will learn and see new things....Here at school of mannerisms, we wake up at the same time, eat at the same time and sleep at the same time, We are the best school in the we accept all kind of students and we change them into perfect elite students, Welcome to school of mannerisms..” the female teacher and the old man started clapping and so did the whole class slowly seeing others they all followed
After saying the speech taehyung walked away and disappeared behind the thick curtain leading to backstage
“What does he thinks he is..who no fucking who of our age give a speech like that...” Elijah spoke
“He and this place is equally weird what are they, where are the teacher or classes what is this place...” Stella spoke looking at everyone who seemed stressed
“Now follow me outside there are some thing that need to be done.."

They were made to stand outside in the open green grass ground that had benches and seats arranged like this was a class room they all stood in line while the teacher stood side ways
Taehyung again walked in the ground makings everyone look at him, he had a small wood basket in his hands
Stella nudged Kara, “He looks handsome to be honest..."
“Right there we were not we to see his face...”
He stood infront of them, the girls as well as boys were both looking at him
“Keep your phone's here...” and they heard gasps and murmers,
“This is for our security purposes, keep it..” taehyung walked towards Elijah who kept it and looked at him as he said
“But this is invading our privacy...” he moved forward towards Kara who kept her phone and poured
When taehyung reached infront of Stella Jung she looked at him in the eyes and clutches her phone harder than anything...
And taehyung did not take her phone making her eyes wide and other too in surprise except for the teacher
He took the rest of the student's phones and spoke
“You all should be glad...your parents took a very hard test inorder to get you in this behave..” he spoke and looked at them who made weird face and some looked exasperated and disinterested
“Then why are our parents not here...”
Taehyung slammed his hand in the table as he spoke his brows furrowed
“You shouldn't speak about your parents like that...”

He looked at the female teacher who nodded at him as he walked away
“You all are allowed to roam around in the school but not go in certain places, breakfast will be served at sharp 8:30”

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