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Kioshi shook her head and Techno furrowed his eyebrows.

"If youre sleepy you should sleep."

Kioshi just shook her again. Techno looked at her in silence before sighing.

"Kioshi, its clear you haven't..." Techno started but his wordeds began to sound muffled to Kioshi.

'what is he saying?' Kioshi thought as she furrowed her eyebrows and squinted her eyes as if it would help her hear his words.

The floor beneath Kioshi started to feel like a blanket on water as she began swaying to try to stay upright.

"...Kioshi are....okay? ...Do..." Techno's words were going in and out and he seemed to double as everything began getting blurry.

The floor getting closer to Kioshi was all she saw before everything got dark.

⋱ ↠ ⋨ ❦ ⋩ ↞ ⋰

"No I really don't know.." Techno's voice hit Kioshi's ears as she weakly tried to open her eyes.

"You're awake!" the voice of... Mr.Saito?

Kioshi opened her eyes more and tried to sit up. She was in her living room, when did she get here? She looked around to see Mr.Saito's relieved face and Techno's worried ones.

"how am I here?" Kioshi signed tiredly

"It seems the boy carried you here" Mr.Saito answered

"he has a name"

"I know, he told me"

"Kioshi you fainted and you stayed unconscious for seven minutes, what happened??" Techno asked finally speaking up

Kioshi looked down sheepishly and shrugged.

"I think you do know what happened." Mr.Saito stated, giving a knowing look. "You've been staying up late, eating and drinking unhealthily just to stay awake! I'm sorry but if this behavior doesn't stop you'll have to be on house arrest again."

Kioshi looked at Mr.Saito with wide, begging eyes.

"Then take care of yourself!" Mr.Saito says exasperated

"Kioshi I have to agree with Mr.Saito here" Techno says

"okay, i'll do better" Kioshi signs defeatedly



Techno took Mr.Saito's sudden relaxation as a sign of Kioshi's agreement and gave her a small smile, to which she returned.

short chapter to kinda put a wrap on the last one :]

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