54. The Answer Is Yes, by the Way

Start from the beginning


The rest of the workday was uneventful. I thought about telling Bondy and Larry that Florence was taking a break but decided not to. Sometimes when you're stressed, your first instinct is to assume the worst (that she won't have time for the study) but once you've had time to think, you realize it's not as bad as you thought. Or at least that was what I hoped was the case for her. Maybe she'll reconsider her decision to take a break. I've got some thinking to do as well. My hope was to give her an answer sometime next week about whether or not she can stay with me.

I was the last to leave work today. They knew I was busy working on Roman and Florence's dream reports and that I had to write down my notes for today's session or else I'd forget. Larry offered to help me write one of the reports seen as Bondy's busy tweaking the code. Although it was nice of him to offer, I find it hard to accept help from others. I'm very particular about my reports that I'd rather write them myself than to continuously nitpick on someone. But this is how you get burnt out and I never learn my lesson, do I?

It was nearing 6 PM and I was starting to get hungry so I took a small break and began rummaging through the fridge for something to eat. There was a small knock on the door and I froze, not sure if I was hearing things but then I heard it again. Maybe the boys forgot something but they can let themselves in. What if it's Roman? Excitement coursed through me and I quickly made my way to the door and opened it. Florence was standing there to my surprise.

"Oh. Erm...hello again," I greeted her. I wasn't expecting her but I didn't want to invite her in either. All I wanted was to finish my work and go home at a reasonable time.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

I didn't realize I had the door open a small crack and was standing in the way. I didn't answer but opened the door wider so she could step in. She made her way to the couch and kept her jacket and bag on.

"I was waiting for you to leave but you didn't so I thought I'd come up," she explained, trying to gauge my reaction. What an odd thing to say. What could she possibly want from me?

"I've not decided yet about the living situation but I'll get back to you sometime next week," I told her, grabbing a sleeve of chocolate digestives and making my way over to her. I opened the wrap, took a biscuit out, and bit into it. "Do you want some?" I held the digestives out but she shook her head.

"That's not what I wanted to talk about. I want to talk about Clara."

"What about her?" She had my full attention now and I wondered if she'd say why she stayed longer than usual.

"When you left, I talked to her."

"You what?" Realizing I was talking with my mouth full of biscuit, I chewed and swallowed. Florence was surprised at my reaction and tried to calm me down.

"It's not as bad as you think! I thought, since this is a dream, that I'd talk to her and see what happens."

"Well, what happened? Go on then."

"I asked who she was writing to which made her jump. I don't think she was expecting anyone to talk to her. She walked towards me and she looks just like that photo on the flier but if you ask me to recall what she looks like, I wouldn't be able to describe her."

This was very interesting to me. When the dreamer leaves, the dream stops because the dreamer isn't there. I'm not there to decide what Clara does in this situation yet she continued on without me. Maybe Florence took control, only for a brief moment.

"She asked me who I was and I told her my name," she continued. "And then she said 'take care of him for me, would you?'" You could see she was holding back details but I didn't want to push her. The fact that she's telling me this in the first place is enough. "And then I woke up. I dunno why I'm telling you this. I just thought you'd like to know."

"Interesting. Thanks for telling me. Are you wanting to know what that means?" I asked.

"Did what she say come from you, me, or is it from her?"

"How can it be her? She's dead, remember?" She went silent and I was glad yet frustrated she told me this. Now I'm gonna think about this all night. Did it come from me or her? Take care of him for me, would you?

There was nothing wrong with that. It was endearing actually. If it came from me, it's like I'm asking Florence to care of me. She's the only one who knows about Clara so I can see where this is coming from. Perhaps my hope was that she'd help me move on. But if it came from Florence, it has a different meaning. Perhaps she cares about me and feels responsible for making sure I'm okay. The question is whether it's as friends or something more. Bondy and Larry have always hinted there was something more but I refuse to believe that unless I hear from her myself.

"This is all new to me so I dunno what to tell you, sorry. I can ask Bondy and Larry tomorrow to see what they think if you'd like," I said.

This is the first time someone has interacted with someone without the dreamer around. Dreams are complex and this just opens up more questions and theories. At this rate, I don't think there's an end to the things we can learn from dreams and the thought excited me. I'll probably never leave this job.

"Out of curiosity, what would you have said if you didn't wake up? Would you take care of me?" I couldn't help but grin when I saw that I made her nervous. Was she blushing or was it the light playing tricks? She quickly recovered once she saw my grin.

"In your dreams," she replied and I laughed.

"Fair enough. Did you need anything else?"

"No, that's it." She got up, making her way towards the door and I followed her.

"You waited that long for me to leave just to tell me that?" I asked. What I said wasn't the nicest so I continued. "I mean—there's nothing wrong with that but you could've just called me or told me the next time we meet. Now I feel bad for making you wait."

"I don't mind." She reached for the door and opened it but hesitated. "The answer is yes, by the way."


"Yes, I would take care of you. I know you said I don't owe you anything but the least I could do is that."

She smiled and closed the door behind her. I stood there dumbfounded.

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