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Chapter 50:

Sana with her father and his people checked the CCTV footage around Jihyo's apartment

They saw how Jimin harshly pulled Jihyo and force them to enter the car with two men with their mask on

"You're gonna pay for this Jimin" Sana mumbled she wanted to punch Jimin for physically hurting Jihyo and her family.

I never hurt Jihyo physically. I even intended too. This asshole has the guts to do it?! Sana thought

They follow the route where Jimin drove but in some part of the street there is no CCTV.

So they lost them.

"Damn it! You are all useless! How come you can't trace that bastard?!" Sehun yelled to his people

He hired men to locate Jimin, but his people are ineffective.

He is frustrated. He wanted to help his daughter badly. He failed to be a good father and this is only way he thought of what a father should be. Protecting his family

It's already dawn, they haven't slept they almost visit the whole of Seoul but they can't find Jihyo and her family

"Jimin is your right-hand boss, he is not easy to bring down," Mr. Tanaka said

"He knows what he is doing" Mr. Tanaka added

"And he know what you are capable with" he added

"Then try harder! I don't care if she is slippery than a snake! I want you all to find him!" Sehun yelled. His veins are visible.

Sehun dialed Mina's number

Hello? Where are you guys? How is my daughter? Sehun asked, worried

We are on the road where there are a lot of trees. She is driving, she's anxious. She is mad but she knows what she is doing uncle Mina answered and glimpse to her cousin Sana

Okay, I trust her. But if you found  anything calls me soon as possible Sehun said I don't want my daughter and you to face that asshole without us He added

Yes Uncle Mina said.

"Sana do you want to change? I will drive. I know you are tired" Mina suggested

"No, I am fine," Sana said she is not breaking her eyes to the road.

"Please? It will be much easy if you seat here you can look around right?" Mina suggested

Sana sighed, Mina was right. She pulled over and step out of the car.

She stops. And tears came from her eyes

"Hey" Mina huged her. Tap her back

"We are going to find them Sana" Mina reassure her cousin

"I don't know what I can do if something happened to Jihyo. M, I am afraid of what I am capable to do." Sana said still crying on his cousin's shoulder.

"We got this okay? We always do. There is no other way but to rescue them." Mina soothed her

"What if we can't find them? What if Jimin does something worst to my family? I cant- " Sana cried

"Hey! Listen" Mina grab her both shoulder look at Sana's eyes

"We can't just give up right now! Jihyo, Tzuyu Auntie Dara they are your family. They are part of our family. We shouldn't give up when it comes to the family" Mina said every word looking at Sana's eyes

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