Twenty One

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Chapter 21:

Sana is working with Momo's book and her ideas about the story she is writing

Mr. Minatozaki came to Sana's office without a notice

Thud! A lot of sounds came from Sana's door

Following of entrance of her father and her secretary looking at Sana's apologetic

"I am so sorry Ma'am but I can't control Mr. Minatozaki," Yeri said to her boss and bowed

"It's okay, no one can control him tho" Sana said and motion Yeri to leave them alone

"What is it this time?" Sana stands up

"Stop with these games, you're going home with me," Mr. Minatozaki said pointing at Sana

"I am not playing dad, I am okay here I won't go back with you," Sana said to her father

Mr. Minatozaki feel annoyed

"Stop with this none sense Sana, you belong to Japan you should learn how to manage our company and business not these some kind of shit publishing worthless books," Mr. Minatozaki said

"Books are not worthless" Sana firmly said "you know what is worthless? You!" Sana pointing her father

"What did you say?!" Mr. Minatozaki yelled and slap her daughter

Sana fell on the floor, clenching her eyes because of the pain of her knuckles that she used to protect herself for not falling hard and because of the slap she received

Sana tasted her blood on her lips

"You are ungrateful, after all the things I do for you! All the things you get from me!" Mr. Minatozaki pointing at Sana

"After I fed you! Dress you! Educate you! This is all I can get?! Disrespect?!" Mr. Minatozaki yelled at Sana

"Who are you huh?! You're nothing without me! You should be grateful that I still want you to be my heir!" Mr. Minatozaki yelled

Little did they know that Jihyo was there, entering the room without knocking and information who is inside again

Why no one stop me from entering her office? Jihyo thought

Apparently Yeri didn't saw Jihyo coming because she is busy spreading the new gossip inside the building

Jihyo saw Mr. Minatozaki slapped Sana and her boss fell on the floor she saw his hurt Sana is but endure it.

Jihyo wanted to help her boss but her feet are attached to the floor and can't step forward

"I don't want to be your heir! I don't want to be your puppet again!

I am not a robot dad! Have you ever ask me if I want anything of these? Have you ever ask me if I want what you want for me? In my whole life never, even once. you never listen to me

You lost a wife and I know that hurts! I understand that. But do you have an idea that I lost a mother too?! Do you have an idea how painful for me what happened?! And what is more painful is I lost my mom and I never had someone there for me? Not even my own father?

There is nothing to be a grateful dad because you never stand as my father, you never fight for me or stand for me.

Even a lot of people looked down on me! Even Auntie Tifanny said awful things to me last time at Mom's death anniversary! You didn't do anything!

If you will know that I am involved in anything, you never ask what happened why I end up having trouble.

Do you know what you're good at?

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