Ch 7 Farmer's Market

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Overlooking the Emerald Forest at one of its cliff you stand there noticing that the time is up for the class.

Y/N: Your time is up. Give the drawings to Hunter and send the photos of what they're based off of to Anthony.

Nora: And if we didn't finish?

Hunter: If you didn't finish or want more time you can give it to us tomorrow but you lose 15% of your possible points.

Nora: Eh, I mean that sounds fair to me.

Anthony: Alright, back to the bullheads! I gotta figure out what the hell does Oobleck mean that he needs my semblance.

Hunter: You better not be doing that for free.

Anthony: I know. I asked if I can a cup of whatever he drinks. It's kinda killing me not knowing what it is.

Eventually arriving back to Beacon Anthony made a beeline for Oobleck's classroom while Hunter said something about chow before he went off. That left you now  having to take all of the papers in the classroom. As you went inside the class you decided that now was a good as any for a quick nap. Well it was until someone knocked on the door.

Y/N: It's unlocked!

Just then the door opens to reveal Ruby.

Y/N: What?

Ruby: Well I saw Hunter's and Anthony's weapons. Remember you did said that I can see them?

Y/N: Just give me a minute.

Walking into a back room you return into the classroom seconds later. Sitting back into the teacher's chair you set your three weapons on the desk. As soon as they hit the desk Ruby of course was all over them.

Ruby: Only one bullet?

Y/N: Ahh the longshot.

Ruby: Why is it called that?

Y/N: My theory is that it is because it can shoot and that it can do it really far.

Ruby: Oh haha.

Y/N: I don't know. All I know is that I have to make every shot count. We gotta make damn sure they land their shot as reloading is a pain in the ass.

Ruby: Oh.

Y/N: You know they say to aim center mass and all that but to me it isn't as satisfying as watching their head pop. That and you will know the grub ain't standing back up again.

Ruby: Uhhh so what about your pistol?

Y/N: There was this one grenadier that was using a gear as a meat shield. So to save the guy's life I lined up my long shot to the one place that I can hit.

Ruby: The head?

Y/N: Yup. The smallest of misses I would of killed the man. Though I didn't. Anyways he grabbed the only weapon near him as he ran to some cover. Once it was was over he asked if there was any way to thank me. I said that his boltok will do just fine. I prefer it over the standard snub pistols they give us.

With that said done, Ruby then holds up the lancer.

Ruby: Why is this one different?

Y/N: Before the chainsaw we were using the bayonet. There is a lot of reasons I picked this over the newer version but between you and me one of the main reasons is that I take off the bayonet and I use for things like opening cans and stuff. Really useful.

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