Ch 6 Meeting The Professors

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With class over and the finishing touches to your class done it was time for lunch.

Anthony: (sees the time) Guys, it's time!

Hunter: Finally. Y/N, get your ass in gear.

Y/N: Hold up. I got this message but I can't find the thing.

Walking up to you and snatching up the scroll Hunter checks the message.

Hunter: It's from Glynda.

Anthony: What is it?

Hunter: Once a week the professors meet up in the cafeteria for lunch. Only three this time though.

Anthony: You think I can use this to get to know her better?

Y/N: Didn't you say she flung a mug with her wand or whatever at the wall?

Anthony: Yup.

Hunter: Anthony, I think it would be better to look elsewhere.

Anthony: Where's the fun in that?

Y/N: Hey, shouldn't we be going before all the good stuff is gone?

With that you all head to the cafeteria hoping that the line isn't too long. As you walked a lot of students gave you three some strange looks but you all ignore them as there was pressing matters at hand. Getting in the line you notice that coincidentally you were behind Velvet.

Y/N: Velvet?

Velvet: (turns head) Y/N?

Talking while the line moved you found out that the different schedule she talked about extends to lunch as well. Getting your food Ruby waves you over.

Ruby: Guys! Guys!

Finally walking over, Ruby spoke.

Ruby: Why are you still wearing your armor?

Anthony: Our room is too far.

Ruby: Wanna sit with us?

Y/N: You're by yourself.

Ruby: Well when everyone gets their food. They got there late because they had to help Jaune find his homework.

Anthony: And you?

Ruby: Saving the table.

Hunter: We can't. Once a week apparently professors meet up and today is the day.

Ruby: Oh, okay. See you later then.

Y/N: Can Velvet sit with you? Hearing about how some people are I don't think it's a good idea for her to sit on her own.

Ruby: The more the merrier.

Walking over to Velvet sitting alone in a table she perks up seeing you.

Velvet: Hi Y/N. I thought you had to sit with the professors today.

Y/N: Still do but listen I'm probably going to end up sitting with Team RWBY since Ruby is my sister and I want to find out more.

Velvet: Where is this going?

Y/N: Do you mind sitting with Ruby?

Velvet: Well, alright. Her team does seem nice. That and it is lonely here.

Y/N: (leans close) Good. Between you and me I think she is bored out of her mind.

Velvet: You know something tells me Ruby is not exactly used to dealing with that. I mean I do always see her with her team.

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