"Let's go up." Max took my hand gently, and she led me up the creaky wooden steps.

There was a narrow hall with five doors when we got upstairs.

"Do you and your sister share a room?" I asked.

"No, thank god. This house has three bedrooms." Max said, leading me to the room furthest from the steps.

There was piece of paper taped on the door that said in black marker: KEEP OUT. OR ELSE :)

I chuckled when I saw the sign.

"I had to put a smiley face to let them know it wasn't an actual threat." Max said.

She then opened the door to her bedroom. Like the rest of her home, it was cluttered. I had learned from work that Max wasn't super organized- which was fine.

I noticed in the corner of Max's bedroom there was a big, clear container with lots of yarn that was multicolored.

"Do you crochet or knit?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yes. I love crocheting and knitting. I even sell some of things I crochet or knit online- on a site called Etsy."

"I had no idea! You've never mentioned it." I turned to Max.

Max shrugged, "I've been made fun for for it before. Been told it's an old lady hobby. I've been made to feel like a loser because I like to crochet and knit."

"I think it's amazing." I said to Max, "I can't do anything artistic. I want to see some of the things you have made."

Max smiled at me, excited. "Okay. I'll show you some pieces."

She walked over to her closet, which was open and strewn with clothes, and reached to the back of it. She then pulled out another plastic container and brought it over to her bed.

"Come sit. I'll show you some things I've made." she said.

I sat down on Max's twin size bed, and she opened the container.

It was filled with scarves, beanies, small crocheted animals and shapes, and even a knit top.

I held a small, green crocheted frog. "You are so talented, Max." I said.

She shrugged, but smiled. "Thanks. I learned when I was young to crochet and knit...my therapist that I went to suggested that I do something to distract my mind from...well, everything."

I put my hand on Max's. "Well, I think you're amazing."

She gave me a genuine smile and then said, "I want to give you something."

She got up, went over to her nightstand drawer, pulled out something knitted that was circular and yellow, and then came back over to the bed and handed it to me.

I looked down to see a bright yellow circular ball with two eyes and a smile knitted onto it.

"It's one of the first things I ever knitted. It's super simple, I know. But I've always kept it. I told my old therapist when I made it that I wanted to give it to a friend, but I didn't really have any. So...she told me to keep it and then give it to someone that makes me smile one day." Max said, looking down as she spoke.

"I love it." I said to Max, holding the smiley face ball.

Max looked up at me, "You make me smile- a lot. So I want you to have it. I hope that's not weird."

"It's not weird at all!" I said, "I absolutely love it. I'm going to keep it, always."

My heart felt like it could burst out of my chest.

All The Things You Said (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now