Summer Before Senior Year Continued

Start from the beginning

I felt my face flush.

"You're turning red- you're going on a date, aren't you?" he laughed, "Don't worry, I won't rat you out."

"Thank you." I nodded at Drew.

"Who's the guy? So I can beat his ass if he hurts you." Drew said.

I looked at Peyton.

"Tell him." she mouthed.

I nodded back to her.

"Are you two speaking some secret language?" Drew asked.

"I'm not going out with a guy." I said, my heart pounding.

"Oh?" Drew looked at me. "A girl, then?"

I nodded.

"Cool." Drew smiled at me, "What's her name?"'

"Her name is Max." I said, taking a deep breath, "Well, her full name is Maxine, but she goes by Max."

"And I take it this is a secret?" Drew asked.

"Yes. You can't tell anyone." I said.

"You have my word." Drew said, "Now go have fun on your date."

"Not too much fun." Peyton said, "Oh wait, you can't get pregnant. Have all the fun you want."

"Okay, bye!" I said, embarrassed, leaving the room.

As I drove to the park Max and I were meeting at, I thought about how accepting my siblings were.

Why can't my parents be that way?

I dreaded the day I had to tell them that I was gay.

I arrived at the park, and Max texted me that she was already there.

I saw her getting out of Sid, her car. She wore a pair of ripped black jean shorts and a black t-shirt. She did not have a hat on, and her hair was in a small high ponytail.

She looks so pretty.

Max spotted me, smiled, and waved me over. I walked toward her, heart pounding.

"Hey." I smiled at her, pulling her in for a hug.

"Hey, you." she hugged me back. I noticed she was carrying a small plastic bag.

"What did you bring?" I nodded my head toward the bag.

"Oh, I saw a new bakery opened up! They only sell bundt cakes- and I got us two mini ones. I figured we can share them if we get hungry." Max said, her eyes squinting slightly from the sun.

"You didn't have to do that! Thank you." I said to her, with a smile.

She looked at me. "You look really pretty by the way, Bella."

"I was thinking the same about you." I said, and I swore I saw Max look down at my lips.

We started walking together in the park, side by side, though not holding hands.

I found myself paranoid- that I would see someone that my parents or family knew.

Max seemed to take notice.

"Are you worried you'll see someone you know?" she asked me.

"Honestly, yes. Then I'll have to come up with some excuse to my parents as to why I am with someone they don't know of and why I'm not with my best friend, McKinley." I said.

"I have an idea." Max said, "It's a little bit of a walk, but we will have privacy, I'm guessing."

I followed Max off the path, and onto the grass, where the trees were.

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