Episode 1 -Summer House Part 1

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As I began packing my suitcase to spend the whole summer in my favourite place in the world after not going for 2 years, you could say I was excited  I put my AirPods in and played the newest song I have wrote called Who Will I Be (just pretend this isn't a camp rock song ok thanks)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
How to choose?
Who to be?
Well, let's see
There are so many choices now
Play guitar, be a movie star
In my head, a voice says
Why not, try everything?
Why stop, reach for any dream?
I can rock, cause it's my life
And now's the time
Who will I be?
It's up to me
All the never ending possibilities
That I can see
There's nothing that I can't do
Who will I be?
Yes, I believe
I get to make the future what I want to
If I can become anyone and know the choice is up to me
Who will I be?
Yeah yeah
If I decide,
I'm the girl to change the world
I can do it any time
Opportunity right in front of me
And the choice is all mine
Why not, try everything?
Why stop, reach for any dream?
I can rock, cause it's my life
And now's the time
Who will I be?
It's up to me
All the never ending possibilities
That I can see
There's nothing that I can't do
Who will I be?
Yes, I believe
I get to make the future what I want to
If I can become anyone and know the choice is up to me
Who will I be?
I wanna find the who I am inside
Who will I be?
I wanna show the, the way that I can shine
Yeah, Oh yeah, yeah
Who will I be?
It's up to me
All the never ending possibilities
That I can see
There's nothing that I can't do
Who will I be?
Yes, I believe
I get to make the future what I want to
If I can become anyone and know the choice is up to me
Who will I be?
Who will I be?
Who will I be

Just as the song was ending my phone starting ringing someone was FaceTiming me? I looked at the name and a big smile came onto my face the name was Belly my best friend for basically my entire life I immediately hit the answer button and her face popped up but the face I saw was the Belly I remembered "OMG BELLY IS THAT YOU?" I yelled she didn't have braces or glasses anymore she looked amazing Beautiful "YES IT'S ME BUT OMG IS THAT EVEN YOU TRISTAN YOU LOOK SO GOOD TAYLOR COME OVER HER AND LOOK AT THIS" my eyes widened Taylor was there yay. Pretty soon Taylor's faced the camera and she was as beautiful as I remembered "THAT is not Tristan look at her did that surgery change your body or something?" She asked I rolled my eyes "it wasn't that kind of surgery Taylor everything will be explained this summer promise" I say feeling a bit guilty not telling anyone especially the Fishers and the Conkin's anything about the surgery it's not that I didn't want too I did but I was already scared and they would make me more nervous. "I know for a fact that a certain boy can't wait to see you and I know you can't wait to see him too" Belly said I started blushing here we go again "says the girl who also can't wait to see a certain brown-haired boy" I tease back Taylor laughs and winks at me "good one" she said if she makes fun of my crush I get to tease her about her crush Belly glared at me "point taken moving on can you please make me another friendship bracelet?" She begged I groaned placed my phone against my lamp and walked over to my closet and grabbed my bracelet making kit might as well bring this "got the gear right here Bells" I said pointing it towards the camera she smiled I have made a bracelet for her and our boys every summer since we were little but since I haven't seen them for 2 years I haven't made any I owe them "enough with bracelets all I want to know is what bathing suit are you bringing please not those 2 ugly ones you always had?" Taylor asked Belly slapped her arm "Taylor" she said I rolled my eyes let again "don't worry I got rid of those they got too small now I have these" I say grabbing my blue one piece and putting it in front of the camera both Belly's and Taylor's eyes widened "hot mama your going to look great in that" Taylor said I giggled and smiled Taylor has never said that too me before so I'll take it as a huge compliment. Suddenly I heard Belly's mom Laurel yell at her that they were leaving in 10 minutes we both squealed "see you at the gas station" we both said than giggled I said bye to Taylor than hung up, I set my phone down and continued packing I grabbed my sketchbook and my journal/ songwriting book I must remember to put it in a very secret place because 2 people who shall be nameless like snooping. Suddenly my phone started ringing again I groaned and looked at it I gasped loudly the person was Jeremiah Fisher my best friend and secret crush wanting to FaceTime I quickly fixed my hair and hit answer than his very handsome face popped up on the screen and I instantly smiled "hey princess" he said I immediately blushed I normally really hate nicknames but whenever Jeremiah calls me I for some odd reason love it "hey jere just packing here" I say setting my phone down against my lamp again  "I can see that hurry up and finish so you can start driving I want to see you" he whined I giggled "you can see me right now" I tease he rolled his eyes at me man even his eye rolls are hot. "This doesn't count we been doing this for 2 years and as much as I love it I want to see to see you in real life and give you a real hug and a real kiss on the cheek" he said I kind of froze when he said kiss but than he said cheek and I recovered if only he meant the lips.  "Don't worry once I get there we have all summer to make up for the last 2 years" I say he smiles at me again and I could feel my legs shake and my heart rate speed up the things this boy does to me with just a smile. I continued going to my dresser getting clothes when I heard Jeremiah say "so I did something to help you and me to spend more time together I got you a job as a lifeguard with me at the country club" he said I nearly dropped the shirts I was holding I was completely shocked he got me a job with him so we could spend more time together? "Wow um jere I'm shocked and surprised" I say walking back over to put the shirts in my bag "I know you can't swim that well but hardly anyone drowns and will be a great way for us to spend time together and catch up" he said I opened my mouth but decided to not say my swimming has improved since we last saw each other but I'll just wait till I get there. "Well than you must really miss me if you want to spend everyday with me" I say trying not to blush as I thought of that "of course I have missed you TT your my best friend ever don't tell Steven or Belly I said that" he said I giggled he's the cutest "my lips at sealed, well I better go my mom is going to come barging in at any minute telling me it's time to go" I said picking up my phone and he was pouting "ok fine I'll be looking out the window watching for you so hurry up" he said I giggled and smiled "goodbye Jeremiah see you in a few hours" I said blowing a kiss to the camera he pretended to catch it and held it against his heart I blushed he really is the biggest flirt I ever met I finally hung up and let out a huge sigh. I finally finished packing and just put my guitar in it's case I closed the case and looked over at the two pictures on my nightstand it was all of us as kids I always looked my happiest in those next to my best friends and this summer finally I'm going back let's get this summer started.

( I know there's only four in the pictures but just pretend there's one more standing in front of Jeremiah)

( I know there's only four in the pictures but just pretend there's one more standing in front of Jeremiah)

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I didn't think I would be writing this story but I'm 4 episodes into this show and I'm hooked so many ideas popped into my head I had to write them down each episode is going to be broken into 2 or 3 parts I will update as much as I can but I'm go...

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I didn't think I would be writing this story but I'm 4 episodes into this show and I'm hooked so many ideas popped into my head I had to write them down each episode is going to be broken into 2 or 3 parts I will update as much as I can but I'm going on vacation on Thursday and coming back Sunday so I'll try to update again before than but I make no promises. Lastly I ask please share and comment on this story and let me know what you think of it enjoy.

Summer Romance or More TSITP Jeremiah Fisher Love Story  Where stories live. Discover now