"Other?! Other like what, like he'll never hear...W-what?!?" I cut him off as my nerves got the best of me, taking over my entire being. Maurice pulled me close to him & held me tightly, which is what I needed because I felt a calm come over me just from that gesture alone. Dr. Johnson clasped his hands together & looked over at Maurice before he spoke again.

"You can do the rescreening within a month of his birth, I advise you to do it as soon as possible though. Early intervention can go a long way..." his attention was now back on me again. "This doesn't mean he's deaf, further examination, screenings & test will put this all to bed...Try not to worry too much you guys, because again it could all be nothing but a little fluid...You guys take care" he finished then he was out of the door. Leaving us to sit in the darkness of something happening to our miracle.

I slowly walked back to the bed & sat down. Cradling Halo in my arms, I wiped the tears from my eyes so they wouldn't fall on him. I leaned down & kissed his rosy cheek & tried my best to think positively. He looked so much like his dad though, that it tripped me out. Vaeh was all me with a hint of her dad, but Halo was all dad & if you squinted really hard you could see me. The little grin he did in his sleep looked a lot like mine though, so I'll take that. It made me crack a small smile as I watched him sleep, unaware of the turmoil I had going on in my head. His father's attention was out the window, looking at the cars pass by on the busy street in front of the hospital. He glanced down at his phone & was typing away before he sat it back down to continue to look beyond our reach.

"Pray Niecy" he said lowly as he sat back in the reclining chair. "That's all I've been doing since I got the news...Besides, we gotta perk up anyway. Our baby girl & folks are on their way up now to see him" he stood on his feet & walked over to me. He caressed Halo's head & looked over at me looking up at the ceiling trying to keep my tears from falling.

"God gives his toughest battles to his strongest fighters and he never gives anyone more than they can bare, right? his eyes were glued to me waiting for me to respond & when I didn't he repeated "Right?" while raising his brow.

"Right" I replied with lack of eye contact as it hurt to even look at him, feeling like what was going on with our baby was somehow my fault. Maybe I did too much towards the end. Or maybe it was my twisted karma of some sort. The sins of the mother coming back on the child.

"Halo's a fighter, just like us & he WILL hear in Jesus name. I have faith, Niecy. The same faith I had that we would have another child & that faith is never wavering. We gon' and he gon' be alright. Believe that" he gently grabbed my chin so our eyes could meet & he used his thumb to wipe them before giving me a tender kiss on the lips.

"Ewww. I would tell y'all to get a room but you're already in it" Erica joked as she entered. She held Nevaeh on her hip who looked entirely too big to be carried by Erica on her 5 ft even frame. Vaeh immediately jumped down to run over to us, well her dad. She leaped into his arms as he crouched down for her & picked her up, giving her a big hug & 1,000 kisses.

"Hey Erica" I said softly so I wouldn't wake the baby & she waved at me as she walked over to get a better look at him.

"Him so handsome" she cooed. "Girl, you don't even look like that labor kicked your ass. Maurice told me" she smiled as she nodded her head in his direction, but his focus was on our big baby that he tickled in his hold.

"Good, because after that I'm definitely closing up shop. His little stubborn self made sure he left his mark" I laughed as I watched Vaeh kick off her Crocs so she could get in the bed with me. She cuddled up to me & looked down at her new baby brother. Maurice again never wanting to miss a thing had his phone out recording their first interaction, granted Halo was sleeping. After rubbing the sanitizer into her hands, thanks to her Father that had it out and ready for our slew of guest. She grabbed Halo's tiny hand & held it in hers, rubbing her thumb across all his little fingers similar to how her Father did her as a newborn. She leaned a little closer to him as he squirmed around trying to get comfortable.

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