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Matteo's POV:

I don't like flying; it freaks me out. I'm currently curled up in the seat that I've been frozen in since the plane lifted into the air. Even though Matias, Everest, and Emil have been trying to pull me into conversation with them, I've been stuck in the same place, staring at the table.

"Baby, the flight is only a half an hour longer," Emil assures me, petting my hair and running his hand down my back. "Take a deep breath, angel."

"Fuck. Off," I grit out, irritated. "I hate flying."

Emil raises an eyebrow but he can tell I'm too freaked out and annoyed to try to correct me or snap at me for being so bratty. He wraps his arms around me and tries to pull me closer, but I don't move.

There's no way I'm taking off this seatbelt.

"You promised you'd keep me safe but you just made me get on a flying death trap," I grumble.

Emil frowns. "Well, taking the train wasn't really an option. On our way back, I'll get you something to keep you asleep the whole time."

"Would've been nice if we did that on the way there," I huff, shrieking and clinging onto Emil when we hit a bout of turbulence. "I'm going to die today, oh goddess, what did I do wrong to deserve this?!"

Everest and Matias share a confused look.

"Matteo, it's not that bad," Matias says, sliding me a tiny bottled water. "Take a deep breath, drink some water, you're not going to die."

"You really think that'll calm him down?" Everest asks, rolling his eyes. "If his mate can't calm him down, I doubt you will, Matias."

I growl. "None of you will calm me down, I'm in distress!" I exclaim, touching my belly. "And my baby is in distress, too."

"Your baby isn't even the size of a grain of rice," Everest deadpans, rolling his eyes again. "Don't worry, your baby will be fine, you'll be fine, and the plane isn't going to kill you."

"How can you manage to make supposedly supportive words sound like you want me to drop dead?"

"Because you're being dramatic."

"I am not!" I snap, only to cower and shove my face in Emil's chest when turbulence hits again.

Everest lets out a dry laugh. "Okay, Matteo, whatever you say," he says, and I peek up at him just to glare.

The rest of the plane flight is quiet for me, but the other three keep chatting while I cuddle against Emil and he rubs my back soothingly. Eventually I'm able to relax a bit and I'm less tense, and it happens right as we're about to make our descent.

When the plane lands, Emil grabs our bags and hands them off to the driver that picks us up before he sets his hand on my lower back. We get in the car, soon followed by Everest and Matias.

"Are you feeling a bit better?" Emil asks while I stare out the window.

I nod, closing my eyes when he gently grips the back of my neck, rubbing his thumb along my mate mark soothingly. "Yes, now that we're not thirty five thousand feet in the air."

"I'm starving," Everest says, and I turn to see Matias holding his mate and rubbing his belly. "There better be some good fucking desserts."

"Hey, watch your language," Emil growls, but I can see the glow of amusement in his eyes. "My child could hear."

"Yes, your rice grain baby is probably really offended right now," Matias bites back, looking at my flat belly. "Sorry future niece or nephew, you're going to have to come to my house to learn creative language."

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