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Matteo's POV:

It's been two weeks since I made Nikolas buy a super small swimsuit, and from the look on Andreas' face, he's absolutely loving it. Of course, my friend loves his mate's attention even if he was nervous about the revealing piece of clothing at first.

Because it has been so nice and warm out, Emil suggested that we have over our friends for a cook out. Omegas love swimming, so Everest, Nikolas, and I have spent most of the past couple of hours in the pool while our Alphas have been cooking and chatting on the porch.

Nikolas climbs on my back. "We should get them to swim with us," he chirps. "Well, Andreas at least. I'm touch deprived."

I fall backwards on purpose, dropping my friend into the pool.

He gets up from under the water, sputtering.

Everest is laughing, sitting on the stairs. "Come on, you two, lunch is almost ready," he says.

I look up and see food getting put on plates and trays, and Matias emerges from the house with a tray of fruit.

"Did you bring a fruit tray?" I ask because we don't have those fruits in our house from what I know.

Everest nods. "Neither Matias nor I can cook whatsoever, so we figured it was the best to extend some kind of gratitude for being invited over."

I know neither of them can cook; unlike Matias, I learned how to cook even though we had a chef growing up. Our chef taught me how to cook because I told him I wanted to learn, right under my parents' noses.

They didn't pay me much attention unless they were showing me off to Alphas who were way too old for me.

Emil can cook; he learned as a teenager because he wanted to be able to treat his mate someday. He doesn't cook often, but our chef has Sunday and Monday off, so on those days Emil makes me food. He knows I can cook, but he insists that he's responsible for taking care of me.

So, I make desserts sometimes but I never worry about feeding myself.

"Boys! Lunch!" Andreas calls, and we all scramble out of the pool.

As I do, I start to feel a little dazed and have to catch myself on the handrail of the pool. Immediately, Everest and Nikolas notice and Everest gently touches my arm.

"Matteo?" Everest asks as I shake my head to regain focus. "What's wrong?"

"I just got a little dizzy," I say, waving him off. "It's alright, I'm fine."

Everest doesn't look convinced, but he doesn't argue with me as we take our seats on around the table where all of the food is laid out. Well, Everest takes a seat beside Matias, but both Nikolas and I jump in our mates' laps.

"You're all wet," Emil deadpans, filling us both plates with food as I cling to him.

"Usually you like when I'm wet," I purr in his ear, and I feel him chuckle.

Emil rubs my back and gets me to turn around. He doesn't comment on the fact that his clothes are all wet now, and I glance at Andreas and see he's too busy kissing Nikolas to complain about his wet clothes.

"I saw you get a little dizzy down there," Emil murmurs in my ear as I dig into the fruit on my plate. "Are you feeling okay."

I hum. "Yes, I've just been a little tired for the past few days, nothing too worrying. We've been shifting more and going out in public more, it's not a big deal."

Emil doesn't seem convinced when I look back at him, and he feels my forehead. "Hm, no fever... If you're not feeling more yourself then we are going to see a doctor."

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