You bit your bottom lip and made your way over to the makeup counter, allowing yourself to cool down and let Cate finish getting ready. You topped off your outfit with a gold watch and the earrings she had gotten you for Christmas. You needed to put your necklace on as well, but you liked it best when she latched it for you. It had become your little thing.

You found Cate's reflection in the mirror as she made an appearance once more, attempting to fix the sleeves on her black button up, one you assumed would be covered by a suit jacket. "Help?"

You turned around, finding she adorned high-waisted, gray patterned slacks with a wide leg that nearly skimmed the floor. She came closer to you and stuck her arm out, allowing you to attend to the two buttons at the cuff.

"Would you like them rolled at all?" You asked, having buttoned both sleeves.

"Yes, please. Twice if it allows."

You did as she requested, Cate then adjusting the way the shirt was tucked into her pants. She stepped out from in front of you to look in the mirror, bringing her hands to her chest area. "Should I unbutton one more?"

Her fingers toyed with the clasps as she contemplated how much cleavage she wanted to accentuate.

"What jewelry are you wearing?" You asked, moving behind her to rest your chin on her shoulder and hands on her hips.

"The long golden chain that has your initial in the circle and then a couple shorter ones to layer it."

You moved your hands over her body and on top of her breasts, undoing the button that rested in the middle of her bust. "No bra," you told her, kissing her cheek and removing her hands from her front to tap her hips.

She offered a faint smile before turning her head towards you and kissing your lips. You deepened the kiss, bringing a hand underneath Cate's hair and to the back of her neck. She alleviated those anxious butterflies in your stomach, and helped you forget, for just a few seconds, that you were going to be on national television in less than a half hour. You wanted nothing more than to continue, but the two of you were interrupted by a knock, Morag promptly entering. You pulled away and the makeup artist was first to speak. "Cate, I just fixed your lips. Get out of here," she playfully commanded, swatting at her upper legs.

Cate placed one more soft peck on your lips before going to remove her bra. You spritzed on some perfume and Morag added a few finishing touches to your own look, the two of you were almost completely ready by the time Edith pushed through the door, Dash and Cate's assistant, Taryn, following close behind.

"Mama!" You heard, causing you to stand up from the makeup chair. The little one immediately wrapped her arms around your legs and squeezed tightly.

"Hi, baby girl," you responded, placing a hand in the baby curls on the back of her head.

"Where's Mommy?" She asked after a moment, bringing her head out of your upper legs.

"Right here, Bambina," Cate said, walking into where the five of you now were, pulling on her suit jacket.

Edith quickly released her grip and ran off towards Cate, Dash taking the opportunity to give you a hug. You had been working day in and day out, staying as late as the others would in order to help best prepare for the upcoming film, and, thus, you hadn't seen much of Cate's eldest.

"Guess what?" Dash spoke into your ear.

"What?" You returned, pulling back to face him, your arm still wrapped around his back.

"I got into the School of Cinematic Arts at USC," he conveyed with a gigantic smile.

"Shut the fuck up!" You screeched.

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