Roe Vs Wade

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I awoke with thunder in my brain
Storm clouds in my heart
A bright flashing headline in bulk letters
My mind flashed to a white stream,
Running down a teenagers legs
Blood following soon after
As well as tears.
A pregnancy test in her hand instead of a diploma
A loss of innocence at the cruel hand of someone she loved
Sobbing knowing she will die if she undergoes this procedure
And that there is no other option.
My throat closes up at the thought of a young mother
Her dead baby still inside her
Violently fighting police custody
Her only crime was getting a miscarriage out with a clothes hanger.
All around me there are voices
Screaming at politicians who decided a single white cell was worth the life of a seven year old girl that was raped on her way to school.
Yelling at the assaulters who are the reason vaginal traps exist and keys are held in between fingers.
And comforting one another
Crying into shoulders
Knowing a rifle has more rights than a uterus
And that may never change.

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