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POV Marinette:

It's my birthday today, I will celebrate my 80 years old so I invited my children and my grandchildren to my house.

They aren't here yet, I'm on my rocking chair balancing and remembering the beautiful years that I spent when I was a teenager. I can't believe that I got so old but it's a good feeling to see my children and their kids.

My husband passed away last year, I won't say who is it, I bet you all know who is it.

While balancing on my chair, I take a look on my stand and I remembered the album with all the pictures that count a lot for me. I got it and opened it, I remember the days when I wasn't alone, the days that the smile doesn't leave my face, my beautiful days with Adrien. I miss him so much, I never stopped thinking of him.

I'm lost in my memories, each picture with him reminds me of a beautiful moment, I even remember what we said in each moment, in each second together. I had the best years with Adrien. I miss him so much.

So today I will be 80 years old, if Adrien doesn't pass away, he will be, hmmm let me see, I'm really bad in math, oh yeah 80 years and some months, it's just some months separating our age, I just remembered something


We already had our math exam and they will give us our marks. I got an F, what a loser I'm, but Adrien who is sitting next to me got an A+

Marinette: how the hell you do that?

Adrien: do what Mari?

Marinette: how you get a fuckin A+ in math? It's like an impossible subject, you are the first in this subject and the only who got A+, did you spent your nights studying math or what?

Adrien: I didn't spent nights, I used to study just 2 hours only

Marinette: you are a witch!!

Adrien: seriously? Me, a witch for getting the high mark in math?

Marinette: not for that, but I spent nights studying for this cursed subject and then I get an F, an F damn it, if I had known that, I wouldn't waste my time and study

Adrien: Mari, do you love math?

Marinette: for sure not, who love it? It's complicated, it's like I will use the squares and shits we study in my life

Adrien: that's the reason for getting an F bugaboo. I love math so much and it's my favorite subject. When you love something, you can shine in it and that will be your goal and it will also be your passion. I love math so it is my passion. I don't need days to study it for the exam. you don't like this subject because you think it will be a waste of time since you hate it, but I like this subject so it was easy to prepare for it and get the full mark. If you love something, make it your goal in life, Mari.

Marinette: me, loving maths? Like me loving Chloe, wake up kitty cat

Adrien (while laughing): seriously, you are incorrigible

Marinette: now shut up Agreste, we are in class

End of Flashback:

I was lost in my memories, I just remembered that I'm dumb in maths like Mr. Agreste call me always

Emma (while laughing): let me guess mother, thinking of Adrien, your eternal love

Marinette: and how you know that naughty girl?

Emma: you were smiling so it's obvious that it's him

Marinette: you know me well, so your kids are here?

Emma: yes mother, also my brothers are here too. By the way mother, your son had a funny day today, the paparazzi was following him saying "oh see Adrien Agreste's son" or "can I get an autograph" he is pissed off

Marinette: yeah, I remember Adrien hated them so much, he was escaping them hardly and even when we are together, they make it worst and we leave. that's what you get when you are Adrien Agreste's son, the famous model in the world

Emma: you are full of secrets mother, I'm lucky that I know most of them

Marinette: the secret makes a woman woman, my dear Emma

Emma: I don't have secrets

Marinette: you lie, want me to remind you or no need? Don't forget that we share everything

Emma: after all, your story with my father, only me know it

Marinette: yes, and I think it's time that all your brothers know it too, where are they?

Emma: in the living room, sitting in the beanbags, all of your children and grandchildren are here

Marinette: let's go then

I stand up from my chair, Emma helped me as I'm getting very old, and I'm not surprised if I join Adrien soon, I miss all the hell of him.

Emma helped me to go to the living room where I found all my children and their kids there, they are all getting old, same as me. I sit on my rocking seat facing all of them. Emma sits next to her husband in the same beanbag, reminding me of how I was with Adrien, we were sharing the same always, the good old days.

Everyone: happy birthday bugaboo

Marinette: thank you everyone

Emma: hey boys, mom will tell you her story with the love of her life

Hugo: finally, we never know about this story, Emma doesn't want to tell us anything, you keep it always a secret from us

Emma: Hugo dumbass, a secret makes a woman woman

Louis: voila, now she talks like mother. I admit it, I wanted always to know how you met our father

Marinette: I see that everyone is interested in this story, it will be a long, a very long story

Mari (Emma's daughter): grandmother, it's already 3pm, so you have all the time, I want to know how my grandparents met together

Everything: yes, please tell us

Marinette: fine, fine, everything started 60 years ago, when I was 20 years old......


Hello dear readers,

i want to write some notes about this story for that everyone understand it.

Marinette is very old in reality here and she is 80 years old but she is telling her children and her grandchildren her love story

the first chapter is the present but the coming chapters are all flashbacks, she is remembering all what happened and telling everything to her family

i hope you will enjoy it

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