"Revenge is like an evil plan" (Diego, Timothy, Sabrina & Nico)

Start from the beginning

While Diego was almost out of The Town, He--

"Hey Loser!" A Familiar Yelled out.

And I spoke too soon...

Of course It was Timothy, He was not too far, He was just down The block...

'God...Doesn't He have nothing better to do?' Diego Asked Himself as He kept on walking and not looking back at Timothy.

Timothy started to catch up on Diego and--

'I'm too young for this crap...' Diego Said To Himself and He just kept on ignoring, walking and on His way Home, Diego just couldn't take Timothy anymore, Since The day was very ruff and tough on Him and not only He was very tired, He become more and more sassy.

Timothy ran up to Diego and Push Him to the ground with Diego fallen down and with The Group scratching Up His Face, Timothy just laugh and decided to get on Diego's nerves by taunting Him.

"Aww, What's wrong Crybaby? Are You gonna cry to Mommy like The Crybaby You are?! You're such a pathetic Crybaby?" Timothy Asked but Diego smiled at Him with a glare.

"Geez, Maybe It's The Boy who I am staring at right now" Diego Said with a sassy smile.

"What The Hell You said to me, Idiot?!" Timothy Yelled and Timothy grabbed Diego by His collar shirt and Both Of Their Faces were close to eachother.

A couple of eyes over heard Timothy's yelling and They all come over and watch not too far from Both Timothy and Diego's Argument.

Timothy kicked Diego on His Leg, Diego hissed in Pain and hold His Leg close, Holding back The tears as Timothy started to kick him even more, Diego was now on the ground, holding His stomach, Fighing back His Emotions.

"HOW DARE YOU! I HATE YOU SO MUCH, YOU DAMN FREAK!" Timothy Yelled and More and More eyes started to get more attention to the situation.

Diego cough up some blood and He just ignore and started to walk the other way or walk over to the town since Diego knows another way to get Home but (OF COURSE) Timothy ran in front of Him and got in the way.

This was pissing Diego off.

"Timothy, Get. Out. Of. The. Way!" Diego Growled at Timothy.

"Now, I want You to make Me!" Timothy Said

'Ooh, He should have never said that'

For Whoever said that, Timothy was pretty curious of what that person meant, Before He could do anything, Diego gave Him a smirk and than Diego kicked Timothy in The Ribs and Timothy actually was sent flying up to a tree.

Now, There was a group of people were listening/watching Both Diego and Timothy who now made a huge circle around Them, They all gasped of what They just witnessed, Some of Them weren't even surprised, They knew that Timothy had it coming.

Timothy quickly snapped out of it, recovered and Jump down of The Tree, Wipe The blood off of His Mouth that was falling down from His Mouth, Timothy smirked at Diego.

"Tough, Huh? Well not tough enough!" Timothy Yelled and started to ran charged for Diego and The Fight had only just begun.


(15 minutes later)


Isn't such a lovely day to go on a walk for Both Nico and Sabrina? I mean, At least They can be alone, They can walk and talk with No Children and No Problems at all.

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