Chapter 1

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Hawkins. The creepy town. A town that you would only see in movies or read in books. Everybody knows everybody and when you're new, everyone knows it. Most people have been there their whole life because they don't want to be different.

I don't want to be here.

I'm forced to be here. Thanks to the will. I'm living with my Uncle here in Hawkins. I'm being sent to Hawkins High where I know people will hate me. I wish this isn't how my life turned out, but maybe it won't be as bad as I'm building it up to be. At least, that's what my Uncle is telling me. Uncle Hopper. I haven't seen him since the funeral.

We've been close in the past, but I'm not sure how well we'll get along now. Our lives are hard and the last time he saw me, I was thirteen. My mom used to tell me that he was a drunk and let himself go, but my mom never liked my dad's side of the family.

When I came out of the airport, I saw him waiting for me. He looked nervous. I don't know why he would be nervous. We know each other. It's like we're visiting. But this time, I'm not leaving. I'm legally his. I walked up to him, gaining his attention. I saw he plastered a smile on his lips, but he still looked nervous.

"Hey, Kid." He pulled me into an awkward side hug. It was usual for us. We never did the sentimental full hugs. "Here, let me help with that." He took my suitcase and brought it toward the trunk. "Did you put your whole closet in here, jeez, kid?" I laughed at his struggle.

He put it in the back of his car while I rounded to the passenger side. He was the chief of the police, and I think that's cool. As I said, we have always had a good relationship, but we fell apart when Sara died.

Driving through Hawkins was like a weird fever dream. I would come down for Christmas, or sometimes for the summer. Not usually in the middle of the school year. It was nostalgic, but the kind of nostalgia that makes your stomach turn.

"I fixed up your room a bit. Tried to make it edgy and maybe a little bit like your scary style." I laughed lightly as he ruffled my hair. "Uh, seriously did you go to the dark side?" I laughed and pushed his hand away.

"No, it's just my comfy clothes. I'm still normal." I chuckled, looking over at him. He smiled as he turned back to the road.

"Good. I think you'll fit right in then. Nothing ever happens in Hawkins. It's a perfectly normal town for a normal teen girl." I nodded and turned back to the front of the car, watching trees go by. "Hey, I know you might be tired, but if you're up for it, I can take you to meet Jonathan Byers. You remember him right, from when you were kids?"

"Joyce Byers's kid?" I clarified. He nodded. I smiled. "Aren't you two like a thing?"

"What? No! Get that idea out of your head now." I laughed at my tease.

"Fine fine. Yes, I remember him. And his little brother, Will, right? He plays with Nancy Wheeler's little brother, Mason?"

"Mike--" He corrected. I nodded and looked over at him. "See, you already know Nancy and Jonathan. Maybe you can meet up with Nancy tonight too."

"She might be too Princessy for me." He chuckled and I smiled.

"Well, we'll start small then. We can get you unpacked and get some food then we'll head over. Sound like a deal?"

"Sounds perfect." He pulled up to his old trailer and it looks way more run-down than it did before. We both got out and I slung my backpack over my shoulder. He got my suitcase out of the trunk and I followed him into the house.

When we walked in, I could tell he cleaned up, but there were still some beer cans and cigarettes lying around. But I knew he wanted to make a good impression. "Sorry about the mess. I tried to clean up a bit after work, but your plane was early."

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