9 : When The Sun Rises

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The wall horizontal to it was another character, it resembled the moon. 'Moon Drop Candies,' it said in the same font. there was a depiction of a blue and calming night with the character having a serene smile on its face.

While the sun one was painted with warm and bright colors, the character had a large, friendly smile on its face with crystalline, blue eyes. The other one was of dark and cooler colors with the character having a sleepy expression of a fond, small smile.

The little girl wonders if she has seen this character before in the ads. But she doesn't recall anything that shows this type of persona.

These paintings were spread all around the walls with rainbows and stars. The 'Superstar Daycare' seems like where Gregory had in mind to go to.

There was a red power box to the side, which seems like an important detail to remember. It made the girl think of a certain bear animatronic.

The girl wonders what Freddy is up to, maybe he is sitting in his room playing with plushies of himself, perhaps he became interested in the arcade placer in the corner.

Did he know that they were chased by his friend Chica? He never told them about her. (Y/n) frowned at the thought, maybe he thought Chica wouldn't hurt them.

In front of the large corridor was a garage door with a sun-half-moon depiction, this seemed like the entrance to the daycare. With an electronic humming the doors slid up when the children came near. They were immediately greeted with the sight of a shining, golden statue behind security poles.

There were multiple chairs and tables to the side, the floor was plush, gray carpet. There were screens and such displaying advertisements and those same celestial characters.

A soothing voice broke out on both their watch speakers. The children both jumped at the robotic sound to it.

"Children, are you ok?!" It was Freddy's frantic voice. "Are you hurt?" He sounded so distressed, like a parent who found their lost child.

"Freddy, where were you?" Gregory said with what sounded like surprise and betrayal. The girl didn't understand why he was so mad.

"I lost connection with you. I was unable to contact you." A small sigh, it could have been relief or shame. "It was just this moment when I was able to connect with you, again,"

Freddy murmured in a much calmer tone of voice but the anxiety still sounded so real and raw coming from the robot.

His voice dripped through their mics again, laced tightly with regret."I am so sorry, children."

How come it sounded so real? Like Freddy was human?

Gregory shook his head, but his bristled form relaxed a bit. His frown was deep and his eyebrows were furrowed. No response came from his mouth, he stared at his reflection on the polished statue with a mixture of relief and anger in his equally golden eyes.

He wasn't too angry at Freddy per-say, and more of the situation he and (y/n) could have avoided if Freddy was there. But he understood in a way why such communication could be trivial to his mission, Freddy is laying low.

"It's ok Freddy," murmured the girl. "We're still together, I'm not mad at you."

"I am very thankful for that." The animatronic's voice was relieved and quiet.

The girl stared into the eyes of Gregory from his reflection. He shut his lashes together. A slow breath, then two.

"Yeah. It's whatever," it came out almost half-hearted, but he kept his voice level. He must've been really mad or afraid to say it that quietly. But... It was not Freddy's fault. They were ok, and Freddy is with them now!

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