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The next day we had practice. Coach was grumpy, as always. For warming up we needed to skate 10 rounds around the rink. I think Julie ate to much at breakfast because she was throwing up.

"Julie the cat, what's the matter? You have a fur ball?"Orion said.

Goldberg laughed. "That's a good one coach. A fur ball, really clever." he said.

"Let's get the net Goldberg." Orion said.

"Sure thing, my pleasure." Goldberg skated to the goal.

Coach Orion made teams and we needed to play a game against each other. Orion only complained that he didn't see a captain. He got mad at Charlie.

"Freeze! I said freeze!" Orion yelled.

Averman couldn't stop and fell.


"I did freeze." He defended.

"Where's the one place you never want to clear the puck?" Orion asked us.

"It looked op-" Charlie said but Orion cut him of.

"Answer the question!"

"Listen I'm not a defense man, I'm a score." Charlie yelled. And sighed.

"Follow me." Orion skated to the bench and Charlie sat down.

"Anybody share his opinion?" Orion was mad. Nobody answered. "Alright than, take a knee." We did what he said.

"What's the one thing all great team have in common?" He asked us.

"Great coaching."

"Don't try to suck up to me Averman. Defense. See, unlike scoring, defense never quits. But to play grate defense you need one thing above all else."

"That starts with a W." Averman looked at me and I laughed.

"Confidence. Listen, if you learn nothing else when you're here you learn this, all right. Cause it's not just about hockey. It's easy to be confident when you have control of the puck. It's very very difficult to keep that confidence when you gotta take whatever strange bounces life throws your way. Don't be careless but don't be too careful either. You cannot be afraid to lose. That's how you gain the confidence to attack the game when the puck isn't yours. That's how you attack life. Even when you think you don't have any control." Orion explained. He looked at the puck and then back at us. "And that's how you play real defense."

After his whole speech practice was over and me and Charlie waited for the bus to come. Charlie sat down on a bench next to a girl. I didn't know who she was but Charlie's seemed to know her.

"You know, you are just like the rest of those snobs." He said to her.

"I am not a snob." The girl replied.

"Oh really? Well you don't like me because I'm an athlete. That's a snob. You don't even know me."

"If I knew you, I wouldn't like you." She said.

"Oh yeah? Well try me. Hi, I'm Charlie Conway, I'm a 14 year old almost six foot non-smoking leo. I like hockey, pizza and music. And I dislike everything about that school. Except for maybe you..." he turned to me. "And except for her. Kiara, my best friend."

I waved at her and smiled. She waved.

"I'm Linda. I don't like it here either."

Ohh that's her name, Linda.

"And pizza?" Charlie asked.

She nodded. "I like pizza."


"Of course I like music. I like pantera." She replied.

"No way. I love pantera!" He said. "So the only thing we don't agree on is hockey. Too violent? Don't understand the rules?"

"I have to admit, I've never been to a game." She said.

Charlie sighed. "You have never heard of the Anaheim Mighty Ducks? They named a pro team after us."

"No sorry." She giggled.

"Uhh man. Well uhhh, we have a game on Friday. And I was just thinking that maybe you could come down and snag a coke or something afterwards?" He asked.

"I still don't know you that well." She pointed out.

"Did I tell you I'm allergic to nuts? Any kind of nut, I swear I blow up. It's kind of gross. And rem, John Woo movies? And I really like talking to you. What else?"

"I don't know, just keep talking." She stepped on the bus. So did me and Charlie.

Charlie sat down next to Linda. I looked at Charlie and took a seat behind them. I grabbed my phone and AirPods and listened to some music.

After a while we arrived home. I let my body fell on the couch.

"How was your day?" Hans walked in.

"It was okay." I answered. "I think I'm gonna go for a walk." Grandpa nodded his head.

I stood up and walked out the door, with my AirPods still in my ears. Adam's house was a few streets from ours.

I decided to get a milkshake at Mickey's.

"Hey Ms.Conway." I waved at her.

"Hey sweetie. What can I get for you?" She smiled nicely.

"Uhmmm a strawberry banana milkshake please."

"Got it." She walked to the bar and made me a milkshake.

The door openend and five varsity boys walked in. Rick, Scooter, Cole, Mullin and Adam. Great....

Adam looked me in the eyes and sat down, without saying or doing anything. Scooter otherwise smiled and waved at me. I waved back.

Casey came to bring me my milkshake and sat down.

"So how are you doing?" She asked.

"Fine I think. Mom and dad are filming a new season so it's just me and Hans." I took a sip.

"And how is he doing?"

"Great, actually. He's doing a lot better."

"That's nice to hear. Do you know where Charlie is? He said he'd swing by after school." She looked at me.

"O my god. I'm not sure but I think he's away, with a girl." I grinned and she grinned back.

"Alright, I'm gonna go check if they want something to drink." She walked to the varsity boys. They ordered food and drinks.

I picked up my phone and scrolled on tiktok a little before someone sat down next to me. It was Scooter.

"Hi Kiara. You look lovely today." He smiled at me.

"Thanks Scooter." I looked him in the eyes. Then I looked behind us. Adam looked furious at us. I grinned at him and looked back at Scooter.

Scooter saw that I looked at Adam. "If you don't want to tell me what happened it's okay but why did you guys break up?"

"Well I don't even know. Last year he kissed another girl. But we talked about it and it was all fine but now that he's on your team he changed. He acted weird and mean. But every time I'm talking to another boy, he gets mad." I explained.

"You don't deserve that. He doesn't deserve you." He said.

I blushed. "Thank you." He smiled at me, gave me a hug and went back to the boys.

I went home.

Eden Hall love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now