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The next day me and Charlie to school.

"So have you talked to Adam yet?" Charlie asked.

I blushed. We had a hot make out session the other night. "Hmm well I kinda did I guess." I answered.

Charlie raised his eyebrows. "What does that mean?"

"Oh believe me, you don't wanna know." I winked at Charlie and walked on.

"Eww gross." He gagged.

"Wait till you find someone that you love." I said grinning.

"First of all, I have you. Second of all, I'll never fall in love with someone." He said.

"If you say so." I turned around and opened the door to our classroom. We had math. I never understood math. Charlie tried to help me once but I started crying because I just never get it.

"Goodmorning class. Today we're gonna do a quiz." The teacher spoke up.

A quiz?!? I didn't learn. I looked at Charlie and let my head fall on the table. I need to get a good grade because if I don't, I can't play hockey.

The teacher handed out the tests and my eyes widened. "Charlie! Hey Charlie." I whisper screamed. "Can I look at your answers?"

He put his paper down so that I could look at his answers. Of course I didn't exactly write what he did, that'd be suspicious. After 20 minutes we were done. It took the teacher 10 minutes to get the grades.

"Charlie, A." The teacher said. "Kiara, A-."

I looked at Charlie. "We did it!"

"You mean I did it." Charlie raised his eyebrows.


It was lunch time. I walked into the cafeteria with Connie and Julie. We sat down with the rest of the ducks, except for Adam. Uhg I hated that he's on the varsity. The varsity boys are a nightmare. Well except Scooter. He looked nice.

I saw that the varsity boys stole Kenny's lunch. I stood up and walked to him.

"Hello boys. I forgot my lunch... can I get yours?" I asked Rick and Cole.

"Sure everything for you princes." They gave me the lunch and I walked away with Kenny.

"I can't believe Adam's friends with those guys. He didn't even do anything to help Kenny." I sat down again.

Charlie, Fulton and Russ walked to us.

"They want lunch, we'll give them lunch." Charlie and the boys walked away.

"Okay... what was that?" Connie said.

"I don't know but I guess we'll find out soon." I continued my food. Meanwhile, Luis was trying to fix some cheerleader. Charlie, Fulton and Russ came back with a paper bag. Varsity took the bag from Charlie.

"Oh come on. My mommy made me brownie." Charlie said.

"Fresh warm ones."

Cole opened the bag. I don't know what that was but it sure didn't look like brownies.

"What the hell! What kind of brownies are that?" Cole said, smelling at the 'brownies'.

"I gotta tell her to stop using horse turds in the recipe." The boys started running but got followed by the varsity.

Adam stood there looking at me. He looked angry. But what did I do? I didn't do anything. He walked towards me.

"Hey Adam." I casually said.

"What is wrong with you? You guys act like kids doing these sort of pranks." he said.

"Well I'm sorry but you didn't help Kenny when they stole his food." I crossed my arms.

"That was just a joke." He defended.

"A joke?! Adam please, Kenny's terrified of those guys. And you, you act so different. Cheerleaders are drooling over you." I got mad.

"O my god. I need a fucking break from you." He walked away.

What the hell just happened? Did we just broke up? I felt tears forming in my eyes so I ran to the toilets. I locked the door and started crying. Why was he acting weird? Is it because I don't want to do anything more than making out?

Connie and Julie walked into. I heard them talking and laughing about he prank. I unlocked the door and walked out.

"What's wrong?" Julie asked.

"Uhm I'm not sure but I think Adam and I just broke up." I sobbed.

"Omg why?! Tell us everything." Connie said.

"Yeah but not right now. After school, my place?"

"Sure. We'll see you there." Both girls hugged me and walked out.

My next class was history, with Adam. I didn't go. I just went home.

I laid on my bed, drowning in my own thoughts. School was out so I expected the girls any moment. I ran downstairs and grabbed some water when the door opened. Connie and Julie appeared.

"Hey guys. Want something to drink?" I asked them.

"Yeah water please." Connie said.

"For me a coke." Julie answered.

After I grabbed their drinks, we all walked to my room. We sat on my bed and I started telling them what happened.

"So, yesterday Adam was acting really weird after he heard he made varsity. Me and Charlie hung out yesterday and we asked if he wanted to come to but he said he couldn't because he was to 'busy' but when we ordered pizza's and I walked back inside, he sat on the couch. Then we talked about it and we had a hot make out session. But today, after the prank, he said that we were acting childish and that he needs a break from me." I explained.

"What is wrong with him? He didn't even say anything about Kenny." Connie said.

Me and jullie nodded. Then I got a text.

Adam: where were you during history?

"He's texting me now..." I let my body fell to my bed.

"Say: why do you care? Its not like we're together anymore." Julie said.

So I did.

Kiara: why do you care? You need a break from me, right?

He left me on read. That bitch.

"What if we just make tonight a girls night? You guys can sleep over if you want?" I suggested.

"Cool! Let me ask my parents." They both asked their parents and they said yes.

Later that night we invited Charlie, Guy and Kenny to watch a movie with us but we ended up going to Mickeys.

We walked in and I immediately saw varsity jackets. Rick, Cole, Scooter, Adam and two other boys sat in a booth. We walked past them. Only Charlie and Guy said hello to Adam. I haven't told the boys what happened yet.

I ordered milkshakes at the bar when Scooter stood next to me.

"Hey! It's Kiara right?" He asked nice.

"Yeah that's right. You're Scooter?"

"That's me!" He said. I laughed a little. "So you're Adam's girlfriend?"

"I don't know what we are. He needs break from me he said." I said while I took a sip.

"Oh too bad for him." Scooter said. I looked at him and laughed.

"I should probably go back to my friends." I nodded said.

"Yeah ofcourse. It was nice meeting you Kiara."

I walked back to the team and sat down. I told the boys everything. Charlie said Adam is just the same to him but the others say he isn't.

I don't know what's going on with him but I need to figure out.

Eden Hall love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now