Coach Bombay

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Today was the day that the whole team got their scholarships. Julie, Luis, Russ and Kenny were there too, but Dean and Jesse weren't. We were all dressed in decent clothes. I wore the dress I bought at the rodeo drive with the flowers on it. Under that I just wore my white converse.

We arrived at Eden Hall. It was huge! They even have horses. You could see that these guys are rich. I'm not gonna lie, preppy boys are hot.

We stood on a stage with the whole team, coach and a man I've never seen. Coach stepped forwards and started talking.

"It's a great honor to be here today to introduce you to a truly great group of kids. Sure they can be a little rambunctious. They've run me ragged and played more than their fair share of pranks. I still haven't forgotten about those eggs. But I hung in there and they hung in there for me. We became the quack attack, the Flying V and the bash brothers. I've never had a better time. These kids are winners, each and everyone of them. But more than that these are good people. I hope that they enrich and enliven your school and your lives the way they have mine. Now I hand you over to the capable hands of my old biology teacher, and the current headmaster of Eden Hall, Dean Buckley."

"Gordon Bombay had a lot to be proud of. We are happy to welcome the ducks to our great educational institution. Today it gives me great pleasure to award you these full athletic scholarships to the Eden Hall academy." Buckley said. Everyone in the crowd started clapping. "Where we hope the ducks will be happy warriors and lead us on the glory and divisional championships."

I smiled and looked at Adam who smiled back and took my hand.

After that whole thing, Coach asked me and Charlie to talk. We walked trough the crowd to a place where no one was.

Charlie spoke up. "School looks stuffy but we loosened them up huh Coach."

"I'm not gonna be your coach this year guys." Coach said.

"Yeah very funny." I laughed.

Coach looked serious. "I just got the official word. The junior goodwill games committee has named me director player personnel. I'm gonna be in charge of their junior hockey program worldwide."

I looked at Charlie. "Well don't go." He said.

"Charlie I can't pass up this opportunity." Coach said.

"But you can't pass up us right? I mean you dump us in some stupid school." Charlie said angry.

"I'm not dumping you anywhere. Eden Hall is a great chance for you." Coach explained.

"Coach please don't go." I said, almost crying.

"Guys I know it's hard. I understand what you're going through." Coach continued.

"No no you don't understand. You obviously don't even have a clue." Charlie turned and walked away.

"Wait Char." I said, running after him. I looked at coach disappointed.

I grabbed Charlie's arm and turned him around. I saw tears in his eyes. I wrapped him into a hug.

"Coach means everything to me. I don't want to lose him." He sobbed.

"I know Char.... Should I text the team so we can explain what's going on?" I suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea." He let go of me.

We met in the park. Everyone was confused.

"Guys we have to tell you something." I said. "Do you wanna say it or do you want me to tell?" I asked Charlie.

"You say it." He sighed.

"Why am I getting the feeling you're pregnant?" Averman said joking.

I gave him a serious, not cool look.

"So we talked with coach and he told us he's not gonna be our coach this year. He has been named director player for the junior goodwill games." I sighed.

Everyone gasped and looked at each other confused.

"So we're getting a new coach?" Luis asked.

"I hope so." I said.

"Maybe we should go to his place? Maybe we can persuade him?" Connie suggested.

"He already left, guys." Charlie said.

"How can he left us behind with all these preppy's?" Russ said.

"Guys, let's just wait till we meet the new coach okay?" I said.

Coach meant a lot to all of us. He learned us to play real hockey. He learned us that losing is okay. To some of us, he's a father figure, mostly to Charlie.

Eden Hall love story~ Adam Banks Where stories live. Discover now