jack kelly

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It was a beautiful Friday morning as Y/n walked up to the middle of Newsies Square, sitting down on a nearby bench

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

It was a beautiful Friday morning as Y/n walked up to the middle of Newsies Square, sitting down on a nearby bench. The birds were singing, the sun was shining and her current read was finally getting interesting. Everything was perfect.

Y/n flipped to where her bookmark laid, ready to start reading, when she felt a figure sit down next to her. Her eyes never left the page but she knew who it was. A smile graced her face.

"Hello Cowboy. What's the headline today?"

"Hi y/l/n. Today it's 'Pretty girl reads at bench while handsome guy tries to build the courage to ask her out.'"

At these words, Y/n's head snapped up. Her mouth dropped in complete shock. She turned to see Jack Kelly next to her, a sheepish yet hopeful look in his eyes. A few beats of accidental silence go by and the hopeful look starts to disappear.

"Uh- I'se sorry Y/n. I'll go now." He said, quickly gathering his papes to leave. Jack's mind was clouded with regret, the fog so thick he couldn't think straight. He really did like Y/n.

'Good going Kelly!' he thought. 'Now she ain't ever gonna speak to you'se again and any chance of romance is gone and-'

"Jack, the only thing you need to apologise for is that sucky headline. Really it should've said, 'Girl says yes to handsome guy's date.'"

Jack paused then did a double-take. A sigh of relief left his mouth, one he didn't realise he was holding. The fog in his mind cleared and his eyes lit up in excitement.

"Oh! Oh ok, well then... you and me, Ms Medda's show, 8:30 tomorrow night?" He asked, gesturing between the two of them.

"Wouldn't miss it," she replied. Jack grabbed Y/n's hand, kissing it gently without breaking eye contact.

As he stood to leave, a thought entered his mind. "Y/n, your headline has a problem,"

Y/n pursed her lips. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she waited for an answer.

"You forgot the 'beautiful' before girl."

He sent a cheeky wink her way before running off, leaving Y/n laughing to herself, excited for the following night.


i changed the scenario like 10 times for this lmao. i do really like this idea though. anyway, i hope you're having a great day/night! thank you for reading, ily :)

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