⭐️Chapter 4⭐️

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Carlos woke, forgetting where he was until the memory's from the night before came flooding back, he felt so deadly embarrassed by the whole thing. He turned over on the couch trying to hide but was instead greeted by a sharp pain that seemed to explode in his head, the bright sun was only making it worst. He groaned as he sat up to inspect the room. Lando was sat at the kitchen counter, scrolling through what looked like Carlos's Instagram whilst eating a bowl of cereal.
"Lando?" Carlos said, his accent stronger with his morning voice. The younger driver looked over and swiftly turned off his phone, a slight guilty look in his eyes.
"Uh, yea?" The Brit said trying to act normal.
"Do you have any pain killers? My head feels terrible" he said, moving his palm to place it on his forehead, trying to soothe it. Lando seemed to the think for a few moments before responding.
"I don't know actually, I'll go look" he said before getting up to go rummage through his bag. A few moments later he pulled out a small blister pack and popped two into his hand. He walked back over to Carlos and passed them to him.
"Could I have some water too?" Carlos asked looking back into Landos eyes, all of his feelings rushing back to him, Lando didn't respond, instead just stayed staring into Carlos's eyes.
"Lando?" Carlos asked, just wanting to be able to take the medication.
"Oh, right, yea I'll go get some" he said his face turning red before he turned back into the kitchen, moments later he came back, a glass of water in his hand.
"Here you are Mr Sainz" Lando said, a joking edge to his tone. The Brit seemed to refuse eye contact when Carlos went to thank him, so instead Carlos just took the water from his hand.

"I'm really sorry about last night" Carlos finally said after a few minutes of silence, Lando shrugged.
"Eh, it's fine" he said returning to his cereal that was still sat on the counter.
"No it really isn't, that was such an immature thing for me to do" he said falling back onto his pillow. Lando looked back over.
"I'm serious Carlos, it's fine, I'm just thankful you didn't crash driving here that drunk" Carlos laughed a little before he sighed
"You were right" Carlos said calmly, remembering the conversation they had before he fell asleep.
"About what?" Lando said confused, mouth filled with food.
"That we can't be together, you were right" Carlos said returning to his up right position on the couch looking back at Lando.
"Oh" he replied looking down into the bowl in front of him, he mumbled something to himself before looking back at Carlos.
"Well I think I was wrong" he said seeming more confident than ever. He shrugged his shoulders again before walking out onto the balcony just past a small table, Carlos sat motionless for a second, wondering if he heard that right, and if it was, did that meant what he thought it did? He stood up, the last remnants of his headache fading away, he walked over to the door that lead to the balcony and lent against the frame, crossing his arms.
"What did you just say" he asked wanting to confirm before he did anything stupid. Lando turned around, a small smirk spread across his face.
"I said I was wrong" he smiled before turning back around, Carlos walked forward placing his arms around Landos waist, hugging him from behind. Lando lent backwards and rested his head on Carlos's shoulder.
"But you were right, it would effectively ruin our careers, everything we've worked for" he said, still gripping the young driver tightly in his arms. "I know, but right now I want nothing more than to be with you Carlos" Lando said standing up right once again and turning to face the Spaniard. The way Lando was looking into his eyes made him want to throw everything away, and marry him. But he couldn't, years of sacrifice, years of fighting for karting and formula championships to get where he was today, it just wouldn't be worth it.
"Lando-" he cut himself off not knowing what else to say without hurting him.
"Carlos, please" he paused for a moment
"I think I'm in love with you" the words sent a lump into Carlos' throat, finally hearing what he wanted, but also knowing that this would just make reality harder. Before Carlos could say anything, Lando kissed him, softly, something that Carlos couldn't resist. It was one kiss, or maybe a bit more? who was going to know?
Two knocks sounded from the door.
"Fuck" Lando said, a disappointed sigh leaving his mouth.
"It's Jon, I completely forgot he was coming" Lando said, visibility upset, as he walked towards the door to open it.
"Hey Jon" Lando said moving out of the way of the door to let his trainer in.
"Oh Carlos! How have you been?" Jon asked noticing he was also there
"Ah, pretty average" he said his hands resting on his hips, he gave the trainer a small fake smile, slightly angry he had ruined whatever the young driver had been thinking was about to happen between the two of them.
"Well I best be going, I'll see you later?" He asked making his way towards the front of the door, first checking his car keys were still in his pocket.
"Yea" lando said smiling, they both glanced each other up and down before giving a small wave and walking off, back down to his car.

Landos POV:

Jon's face was painted in a angry red, his fists were clenched so tightly, his knuckles were a pasty white.
"Honestly Lando! How many times do I have to explain a simple thing to you!" The Brit looked up at him confused about his words.
"What? I think I zoned out like once mayybeee twice, you're overreacting about this" he said laughing a little, but it just seemed to add to his anger.
"9 times I had to explain that to you, NINE TIMES" Jon stormed over to the door.
"You know what just have an off day" He said trying to return to his usual calm self still leaving a slightly annoyed tone.
"Really? Sweet!" Lando said jumping onto the couch to make himself comfortable.
"Oh but one thing, if you aren't doing a workout of any sort you have to stick to todays meal plan" His trainer said, a smirk on his face. Lando groaned, rolling his eyes, annoyed.
"But it's all like, healthy... that's just gross" he said looking at Jon a disgusted look on his face.
"Welp, that's your fault!" And with that he walked out the door. He scoffed before letting his mind wonder once again, like the several times it had while Jon was over. But he could only mange to think of one thing, Carlos, and what would of happened if Jon never came by, all of the different things he could have felt, the feeling of Carlos's skin against his own, hot and sweaty. Their lips fighting for control or even just laying next to him afterwards. Lando grabbed a pillow that was plopped down next to him, he wrapped his arms around it holding it close, desperately just wanting to feel something. He missed Carlos, everything about him, his long dark hair, that was always combed perfectly. His deep brown eyes that seemed to speak millions of emotions without a single word being spoken. And his smile, it was so perfect, the way it always seemed to look slightly awkward, it was one of the cutest things about him. Lando smiled just thinking about it. His phone started vibrating on the kitchen bench, soon followed by his ringtone. He reluctantly stood up and walked over to the phone, the face he had been thinking about lighting up the screen,  he smiled as he picked up the phone, pressing the large green button.
"Hello?" Lando said waiting to hear Carlos accent.
"Lando, do you want to come to dinner with me tonight?" Landos smile became even bigger, before remembering he had to stick to his meal plane.
"I'd love to, but I can't, my stupid trainer said I need to eat the stupid heathy food that they prepare for me" he said scoffing once more
"Oh, ok then... you can just bring it over to my hotel?" Carlos asked again hopefully
"Bring what?" Lando asked, confused
"You said you had a meal plan for today, no? You can just bring it over here and eat it" Landos checks became warm and red with embarrassment.
"Oh, right, Ok, about 7 then?" Lando asked, already existed to see Carlos again
"Sounds good" he hung up the phone before rushing around his hotel room, trying to figure out what to wear, Casual? Or something more Classy? He decided that he didn't want to look like he was trying to impress Carlos, so he quickly trough on one of his black Quadrant sweaters and a random pair of jeans that looked half decent with it. he found his way to his key card and phone, and did some last minute prepping before walking out the door. he made it all the way to his car before realising it was only 2.30, he sighed before returning back to his lonely hotel, still longing for Carlos,

Carlos POV:

Carlos didn't know what to do, part of him loved what could of happened between himself and Lando. But the other part regretted it, knowing it was wrong, knowing it would cause more pain than happiness. He sat on his couch, helpless, when Lando would come over he would have to tell him, which would be easier said than done. He put his face in his palms, he didn't want to do this to Lando, he could already see the pain in the young Brit's perfect hazel eyes. He once again started to second guess if it was actually best if he broke things off. 'We can't, everything you've worked so hard to get, everything he's worked so hard to get' he told himself inside his head. He felt sadness burst in his stomach, there was no deining that he had strong feelings for the driver. And he hated that it was all because of something they both shared a passion for that it couldn't happen. Carlos look up at the time displayed on the microwave, it read 6.30, meaning Carlos now had to start getting ready to break Landos heart, and his own.

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