🌙Chapter 1🌙

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Carlos's hair was stuck to his forehead in matted knots dripping with Champagne, his head was spinning, overwhelmed by hoards of cameras and people, Lando was standing next to him, the only thing that kept him sane after almost an hour of talking to the sky sport presenters, he looked over to the other driver, wanting to escape the never ending questions by pretending he was busy, Lando met his gaze after a few moments. the same annoyance portrayed in his tired eyes.
"I'm so done with this" the younger driver said, a small side smile escaping his lips briefly.
"I know right? Seb and Lance left over 20 minutes ago" Carlos said, annoyed, shaking his head slightly.
"it's almost not worth getting a podium" Lando joked, causing causing Carlos to laugh a little. Before a awkward silence feel over them.
" You wanna get out of here?" Lando finally said after a few seconds of looking into each other's eyes silently, Carlos responded with a small smile and a nod before grabbing the McLaren driver's wrist to pull him through the crowd.

They continued walking until they were stood behind the motor homes and out of sight of most of the cameras, Carlos looked over to Lando who was stood not to far from his right, His face was lit up in a large smile, one similar to that he had lost shortly after leaving the podium, It was sweet really. They both sat on the ground leaning against the alpine unit just looking at the purple ish dusk sky surround them, a beautiful end to an amazing day. Carlos looked over to Lando who was still staring up into the clouds Carlos began to notice more about the young driver, he wanted to say something, but he found himself stuck gazing at the Brit. he found himself finding things he had never really noticed before, the way his hazel eyes reflect the light with a small glisten, the way his curls lay over his face, still damp from champagne. And a few light freckles that lay around his nose. Butterflys seemed to flutter around the Spaniards stomach. But he brushed it of as excitement from his podium that was only returning now he was calm. Carlos knew He would have to leave soon, it saddened him more than he expected, maybe it was just a lingering feeling from the interviews, Lando turned his attention back to him, the smile still spread across his face, a little less prominent now. Carlos suddenly realised how close they were to each other, but he couldn't really be bothered moving nor did he want too.
"Oh, I'm inviting some friends over to my hotel, ya know to celebrate and all" he said laughing slightly at his explanation
"If you wanted to come, you know where it is" he smiled, Carlos placed an arm around him to make sure he knew he was thankful.
"I assume Ferrari won't have any type of events scheduled, after Charles race"
He turned back to Lando smiling before patting his shoulder and removing his arm from him, though part of him didn't really want to, and by the hurt look in his eyes, neither did Lando. The McLaren drivers cheeks lit up red with embarrassment. And a sudden look of urgency glazed his eyes.
"Uh, we'll I'm sure the team is expecting to see me, I'll see you tonight then?" Lando said, visibly uncomfortable whilst he darted into a standing position.
"Uh, yes" he gave Lando a small awkward smile, and seconds later Lando ran over to his team's motorhome which lay not far from where they were sitting. Something inside Carlos already missed him, it was a strange feeling, more lovelorn than casually missing a good friend, the thought had shaken up the Spaniard, but all he could do was return to his own motorhome to prepare for the night that lay ahead of him.

Carlos didn't know what time he should arrive to Landos hotel, he hadn't been told. Running on assumption Carlos decided to aim for 8.30. Before leaving he had a quick shower, and put on a casual outfit which consisted of jeans and a white top that lay tight against his muscles. He combed his hair back swiftly before grabbing his house key and leaving to head to Landos place, which was about 10 minutes away. By the time he arrived there was no sign of the amazing purple sky left, only pure darkness, other than a few street lights creating yellowish green beams which shone bright against the dark road. Carlos jumped out of the car and locked it before wandering into the hotel and finding his way towards Landos room. He knocked on the door, butterflies seemed to form in his stomach once more as he heard the door open, it pulled away from him slowly to reveal Landos face, his curls still hanging over his forehead, but this time it looked as if he had just stepped out of the shower other than the champagne which had created the same affect.
"Oh, Carlos" he said, a small smile appearing on his lips.
"You're not supposed to be here yet?" He said quietly.
"You invited me, no?" Carlos asked, starting to assume he had guessed the time wrong.
"Oh, right" he said, an amused smile replacing his confused expression.
"I completely forgot to tell you, everyone is coming over at ten thirty" Lando explained as he stepped back to make room for Carlos to slip through.
"You can come in if you like" he said politely, and Carlos immediately accepted, wanting more than ever to get out of the draftee corridor he was standing in. He took a seat on the couch before he looked back at Lando.
"What should we do until the others come?" Carlos asked, Lando responded with a small shrug before sitting down next to him.
"We could watch a movie?" He asked, grabbing the remote in his hand and turning on the tv that was sat neatly in front of them.
"Sure" Carlos said, not being able to come up with any better ideas himself
"No sappy stuff though, I want to watch something scary!" Lando said enthusiastically, Carlos wasn't going to complain, it might distract him from his strange feelings towards his friend. The movie started slowly for the first few minutes, making the first jump scare worse, it caused Lando to tuck his face into Carlos's chest, which he though would make him feel uncomfortable but instead it felt peaceful, calming his own heart rate. once Lando recovered from his scare he didn't seem to move away, instead he left his head on Carlos's chest and rapped his arm lazily around his stomach. Carlos returned it by laying his arm around his friend's waist. He soon found himself distracted from the movie, instead he couldn't help himself but to lay his head ontop of Landos, everything felt so calm, the way he felt Landos chest rising and falling slowly against him and the feeling that maybe Lando too was feeling the same way towards him.

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