💫Chapter 2💫

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A knock echoed through the small hotel, waking up Carlos with a start, he looked down to see Lando still tucked against his chest.
"Lando" Carlos whispered into his friend's ear, trying not to startle him. Lando moved his head up to Carlos's shoulder so he could look at his friend's face.
"Someone's at the door" Carlos whispered quietly, but this seemed to have the opposite effect on Lando than Carlos had intended, the Brit quickly stood up to distance himself from Carlos awkwardly.
"Oh, I'll, uh, go get it" he gave Carlos an awkward smile before walking over to the door.
"George, how are you?" Lando said after opening the door to reveal the Williams driver, a friendly smile on his face.
"I'm good, Alex was pulling up just as I was walking in, he'll be here soon" Lando nodded as he moved out of the way of the door to let George in.

The others slowly arrived one by one over the course of the next hour, there were only 7 people in total, but they seemed to fill the room, but maybe Carlos was just overthinking the situation at hand, his mind was spinning with hurt, Lando hadn't looked his way all night so far, no matter how many times the Spaniard tried to start a conversation with the young driver, Lando just seemed to ignore him. Carlos decided there was no reason for him to be there, he felt like an outcast. Like the person nobody picked for their sports team, Carlos opened the door looking back at Lando one last time, trying at least just to make eye contact with him for a split second, but nothing. He stepped out disappointed, shaking his head solemnly as he walked down the corridor. He hated how this made him feel so terrible, it was stupid, everything was just stupid. All Carlos felt like doing was getting drunk to melt the feeling away, even just a little.

A bottle of alcohol sat in his fridge, glistening against the light that hung above, it was calling to him. Carlos tried to keep his intake to a minimum, but as time progressed and the feeling lingered, the content of the bottle declined rapidly. But he still couldn't help thinking about Lando, the way it felt to have him wrapped around his body, the loving way he had look at him, but they all circled back to hurt, amplified now from the alcohol. Carlos left his house once more in rage, on a journey back to Landos hotel, the time had just hit 2.45am, but that wasn't going to stop him, his mind was set.

Carlos had to knock several times before there was an answer.
"Carlos? What the fuck are you doing here!" Landos words rang out in a sleepy anger.
"I'm here to see you" he said, trying to stay calm, but his intoxication made it impossible.
"Are you crazy? It's three in the morning!" Landos said all of the tiredness leaving from his expression.
"I wanted you to see how much you hurt me, so I drove here" Carlos said, his accent stronger than normal
"You're drunk! And you drove here? Are you a fucking idiot Carlos? You could have gotten hurt!" Landos expression changed to a mix of anger and worry, Carlos just stared at him, not really knowing how to respond. suddenly Lando reached out to grab Carlos's wrist and pull him into the hotel room, before pushing him down onto the couch.
"Stay there" he said before wondering off into the kitchen behind him. the room around him was dimly lit, the only light source coming from a night stand next to Landos bed. Causing everything in the room to only have a dark silhouette. A few minutes later Lando came back to the front of the couch, a glass in his hand which he pasted to Carlos before sitting down next to him.
"Drink it, it's water" the anger from before had seemed to have left him, he reached forward to support Carlos's hand holding the glass, and helped him move it towards his mouth, forcing him to drink. After a moment he pulled it away from him and placed it on the coffee table in front of him.
"Why are you here?" Lando asked again, staring into Carlos's eyes waiting for an answer.
"I needed to see you, the way I left before made me feel terrible, I just couldn't stand it anymore" Landos calm words seemed to calm his own. He looked down at his lap, embarrassed. Lando brought his hand up to his arm, rubbing it to try and support him.
"What do you mean?" Lando asked confused, Carlos looked back up into his eyes once again
"The way you ignored me, the way you never even looked at me the inter time, I thought it would just be different after what happened" he said quietly, trying to avoid eye contact once again.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't know what to do, I suddenly realised I had all of these feelings for you, then when George came, I-" Lando cut himself off realising he had to reword himself.
"When you said someone was at the door, I just had this sudden reminder, that we couldn't be together, we would be ruining both of our careers, but I jut couldn't get you out of my head, so I just tried to ignore you, I never even thought for a second about how that might affect you" his eyes were filled with sorrow, starting to picture how Carlos felt.
"No, it's ok, I just needed and explanation, but why do you think it would ruin our careers?" Carlos felt the alcohol's effect slowly dying away as he talked to his friend.
"The media would jump on us, the backlash we would get from some of the fans would be insane, would you want to stay in that sort of environment? Because I sure wouldn't!" All Carlos could do was nod in response, feeling his exhaustion crash over him. Lando seemed to understand, he disappeared again to return with a blanket and a pillow before handing them to Carlos.
"Good night Carlos, don't you dear complain to me about your headache tomorrow!" He said with a small laugh as he walked back to his own bed and turned off the light.
"Good night Lando" he said sadly after realising what his friend said was true, there was no way they could be together, and that would just have to be the end of it.

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