2: My Latin teacher is a horse

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All I heard was this woman's voice telling me to complete some trials that I had never heard about. When I woke up, I tried telling Ezen, but he just called it a nightmare. The rest of the week was just weird. I had the same dream over and over again, which Ezen kept calling a nightmare.

Mr Brunner was still acting weird, and I was pretty sure I had failed every single exam I had taken.
"It's just because you're stressed out." Ezen kept telling me, but after how many times he had said it, I wasn't believing him anymore.

Friday was the last day and the exams weren't any easier. The last one I had to take was my Latin one, which I wasn't looking forward to. I swear Mr Brunner was staring at me the whole time. I think Ezen was staring at me the whole time too.

When I went to hand Brunner my paper, he looked angry at me.
"Thank you, miss Eastwood. Are you returning next year?"
"I don't know. My mom will probably send me somewhere else." He nodded but still looked angry. Me and Ezen got our things and walked out of the door.

"He's mad at me, isn't he?" Ezen looked at me like I'd gone insane.
"What? No, of course he isn't! He's just worried about you, like I am." Now, if I wasn't so confused, I probably would have blushed but I didn't, which only made Ezen look even more worried.

"You go on ahead. I have to talk to one of the teachers. She says she'll tutor me if I want."
"Okay. See you later!" I waved at him and walked back to my dorm. I waited a few seconds, then I ran out of the door.

When I got near Mr Brunner's classroom, I slowed down.
"I'm worried about her Chiron. She said she's been hearing this voice about the trials. You know what'll happen when she turns sixteen." That was definitely Ezen's voice. I didn't know what kind of name Chiron was, but I just brushed it aside. I mean, Ezen was a weird name.

"Let her enjoy her ignorance while she still can. It's best if she doesn't complete the first trial. If she doesn't, it will be better."
"But you know of the prophecy!" Hearing this was making me shiver.

"Every time you try to avoid a prophecy, it still ends up happening! You of all people should know that!" Carefully, I peered through the door and couldn't believe what I saw. Mr Brunner (Chiron, whatever his name was) was actually standing up. His top half looked normal but his bottom half...was completely horse! That's when I noticed Ezen too.

His legs looked all shaggy and brown. I didn't care if they heard me at that point, so I slammed the door shut and then I ran. As I was running back to my dorm, I heard Ezen call my name, but I kept running.

When I got back, I jumped into bed and pulled all of the blankets over me just before Ezen ran in. His legs still looked weird. Luckily, I was an expert on faking stuff, so I just did some fake snoring so he would think I was asleep.

"I must be hearing things again. It all started at the Winter Solstice." He muttered. Ezen sucked at muttering stuff to himself without other people hearing him. I don't know how long I was there for. I just know I was scared out of mind, and I didn't know what to do anymore to keep myself safe.

I didn't realise how much time had passed until Ezen started snoring. It always took forever for him to fall asleep, so I figured I must have been there for two hours at the bare minimum. But then I remembered something I had read in my Greek mythology book. Without thinking, I jumped out of bed, grabbed my book and started reading.

I flipped through all the pages until I reached the section about the Greek heroes like Perseus and Heracles.
"Chiron." I kept muttering. After a few seconds, I spotted two names that looked like Mr Brunner's but I couldn't be sure, with my dyslexia and all.

The book remained in my hand as I walked to the bathroom. The only person in there was me. I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked like a miserable wreck. My hair was all messy and my eyes had bags beneath them. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to fly out of my chest. What I felt was a mixture of fear and confusion.

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