Chapter 2

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Maya's POV

"Maya! That's it! Your the girl I sl-"

I cut Joshua off by staffing up and putting my hand over his mouth. But it's too late, I think Riley caught on because she gasped and out her hand over her mouth.

"Maya, you didn't." Riley said

"Didn't what?" Lucas asked

I didn't answer her. I looked at Josh and could see he was nervous too.

"Maya! O my god! You didn't!" Riley yelled standing up

"What? What happened?" Farkle and Lucas asked confused

"MAYA SLEPT WITH JOSH!" Riley screamed

"What?!" Farkle and Lucas said

"Riles I -"

"It was my fault." Joshua said

"What?!" Riley said

"I wasn't.....really drunk." Joshua said

I looked at him. Is he kidding me?!

"What?!" Riley and I yelled at the same time

"I was drunk, but not as much as Maya was. I just- I"

Riley cut him off.

"Are you serious?! Maya was really drunk and you slept with her?!" Riley yelled

"Babe, calm down." Farkle said to Riley

"No! I can't believe this!" Riley said and ran out of the cafe

"I got her." Farkle sighed and ran out after Riley

"I'm, uh, just gonna leave. Maya, text me later, ok?" Lucas said holding my arm

"Yea,ok." I said and slightly smiled

He walked let go of my and and walked out. I turned to Joshua.

"What the hell?!" I said

"Maya, I'm sorry." Joshua apologized

"Riley's super mad at me right now, and you, how could you?! You knew I was REALLY drunk, and you slept with me. Why?" I said sitting down

"Maya, I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it." Joshua said slightly blushing

Does he like me? No. He can't. I got up from the table and walked towards the door. Josh followed me.

"Don't follow me. You know what? Don't even talk to me." I said coldly an left him there


I sat down and turned on the tv. I've been texting Lucas for the past hour. He's always been there there for me when Riley and I got into our fights. He's always there for me whenever I need him. I heard a knock at the door and got up to get it.

"Hey Maya." Lucas said walking into my dorm

"Hey what are you doing here?" I giggled

"I brought pizza." Lucas said holding the box of pizza

"Yaaaaaaasss!!!" I cheered grabbing the box out of his hands and sitting on the couch

Lucas sat next to me and put on a football game.

"Has Riley come back yet?" He asked

"No. Hasn't been here all day." I sighed

"She'll come back." Lucas said

Lucas phone buzzed and he checked his text.

"Never mind." Lucas laughed

"What?" I asked

"She's staying at my dorm with Farkle." Lucas said showing me the text

"Ugh! She hates me!" I whined

"You did sleep with her uncle who she forbid you to date." Lucas said

I gave him a death glare and he chuckled.

"Just kidding. You too will make up soon." he said

"Thanks." I smiled and put my head on his shoulder

"By the way, I'm staying over tonight." Lucas said

"Yay! Wanna watch a movie?" I asked excitedly

"Sure." He laughed





Riley's mad at Maya but don't worry, they will make up. 😃

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