"Doesn't she have dementia?" Tito asked.

"Vascular dementia... it's a miracle her memory is still good, because usually vascular dementia and Alzheimer's go hand in hand... my grandpa is always paranoid that she'll start forgetting things... once he said my aunts name, and almost had a panic attack over the fact that my grandma didn't seem to recognize the name... turns out she was too busy listening to a separate conversation, but my grandpa was still terrified," Texas said. Tito sighed and nodded.

"Your grandpa always seemed a bit... paranoid," Tito said.

"He's just tired of seeing the people he loves suffer I suppose...," Texas said. Tito nodded silently.

"Do you ever wish that we were allowed to learn history?" Tito asked.

"We learn the humans history-,"

"Only the basics, in a way where we don't really understand the depth of how bad things really were... how many people died in those wars? How hurt did our parents get? Who was in the wrong? Is there even a way to tell?" Tito said.

".... Damn...," Texas said. Tito sighed.

"Sorry... I guess I just started wondering when my dad started getting so... vague when describing his childhood," Tito said. Texas nodded.

"Yeah... I can tell my parents didn't have the best time growing up either...," Texas said.

"But both of your grandparents seem so nice! Even your abuelo, and he looks like a cartoon villain," Tito said. Texas chuckled.

"Yeah... there's something they're not telling me...," Texas said.

"Boys! I made dinner!" They heard Mexico call from downstairs. They went downstairs to the kitchen, and suddenly Tito was tackled.

"WHEN YOU GOT HERE?!" Arizona exclaimed. Tito laughed and hugged his little attackers.

"An hour ago! You four were too busy taking a nap to say hi!" Tito exclaimed. Texas giggled as he tried to help Tito up, while his little siblings kept pulling at his shirt. Tito was their favorite of Texas's friends, because he treated them like they were his own siblings, and was always willing to let them tag along if he and Texas were hanging out outside of the attic.

"Where's Cali?" Tito asked.

"With Nate, he invited her to the movies," Mexico said.

"Awwww how sweet," Tito said, as Texas made a face of disgust.

"My sister is too good for him," Texas said. Mexico rolled his eyes, smiling.

"Nate is the sweetest, and just because they are a boy and a girl who hang out a lot doesn't mean they're in love," Mexico said. The kids all got some noms, and went outside to eat. Once they were done, the kiddos jumped in the pool and started splashing at Texas and Tito, wanting them to join.

"COME INNNNNNNN NOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!" MJ exclaimed. Texas and Tito laughed.

"Do you want to?" Texas asked. Tito shrugged.

"Don't have a bathing suit... but meh," Tito said, before taking off his shirt and jumping in. The kids laughed, joyfully ridding the ripple of his splash. Tito emerged from the water, executing a perfect hair flip, which sent water droplets that shone like diamonds flying around him in a glittering arch, the multi-colored outdoor lights bouncing off of the water and giving him a magical glow.

"Texas, are you coming in or what?" Tito called. Texas silently nodded, taking off his shirt, and making sure there wasn't anything precious in his pockets. MJ and Nevada got out of the pool to try and drag Texas in. Texas chuckled at his baby siblings futile attempts to move him. Being careful not to slip and fall in, Texas sat on the ledge of the pool to gently hoist himself in the water.

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