Tabitha and Drake on the other hand showed no sign of any emotion on their faces as they stood next to a window. Tabitha was looking out of it while Drake watched her. Maybe she was trying her best to hide it but from what Machayla heard from the other crewmates, Tabitha should be feeling the most guilty out of the duo but maybe, she was wrong.

Deciding that her time with these people was over, she decided to quietly take her leave by slowly stepping back until she was at the door way of the waiting room and quickly slipped out before anybody could notice. They didn’t need her. Her part was done and all she could do now was pray to a God that has forgotten about her, to let Brandon live.

                “I’ll be back.” Tabitha whispered to Drake who she realized was staring intently at her profile.

“You think she knows something?” He asked as his eyes shifted out of the window too.

“Well, she is his girlfriend after all.” She replied with a hint of malice.

“You jealous?”

“Of what?” Her hazel eyes met with his green ones under the florescent lights.

He shrugged. “I saw the way you looked at her when he touched her.”

Tabitha eyed him before facing the exit with a smirk. “I wanted to claw her eyes… at first. Then my woman’s intuition kicked in. She’s hiding something.”

“I thought we just concluded that.”

“No,” she answered with a distant look. “This is something else and I have a feeling that your brother knows exactly what it is.”


“I know.” She cut in. “He’s blaming me for all of this. I won’t try to get close to him anymore, but I may have to beg for his forgiveness. Anyways, I think I might be lighting a new torch for someone else just as soon as this one that’s lasted five years, dies out.” With that she hurried out and headed to where she was sure Machayla had gone to.

She’d been watching Machayla from the moment that she’d seen Mason raise his hands and attempted to hit her while on US-27. Whether or not it was great reflexes on Jason’s part to grab onto her and pull her away from Mason before his hand landed on its target, was questionable. But Tabitha suspected that Jason knew something about her that the rest of them didn’t. Something to do with Mason and the obvious fear that shown in Machayla’s eyes when he called out to her after the “accident”.

 She hoped to God that it wasn’t what she thought it was and if it was exactly that then Mason had officially made himself a new enemy who wouldn’t hesitate to pierce a bullet right between his eyes. She’d barely known the girl for more than twenty-four hours and she was suddenly ready to shoot somebody for her but that was the type of person that she was.

It wasn’t her in her to watch somebody live a miserable life and not do anything about it. That in itself made her wonder sometimes why she let herself be beaten and treated like crap while she with Eric in Boston. Maybe she was punishing herself for killing her and Jason’s baby or maybe it was because she was so out of it after having her life spiral out of control when she left Miami five years ago. She wasn’t sure but make no mistake about it that she would never be that weak person again.

She’ll kill a man before he could think about putting his hands on her or anybody that she loved again. Point, blank, period. Eric, got lucky but she wouldn’t say the same about Mason’s future. She knew his type, hells she lived with his type. Power hungry bastards who craved being worshipped and envied and they’d do whatever they had to do to get it.

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