A fresh start

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Clem had been walking for several months while carrying AJ, she had recently run out of food and only had a little water left, without hesitation she gave some water to the little one she was carrying in her arms, while walking she found a grocery store and tried to find food, but the only thing she found was a can of dog food, she was not happy with what she had found but not disappointed either, because in the end she was very hungry and had to eat at least something,

When Clementine was leaving the grocery store she met a dozen walkers which made AJ cry and this attracted the attention of the walkers, quickly Clementine took her knife and killed some walkers, with a little effort but they were still many, so it only helped to open a little the path which she took advantage of to get out, she ran as much as she could towards the forest so the walkers wouldn't follow her, but it was a bad idea as she ran into a dozen more of them, she just kept running with AJ in her arms, until she tripped with one of the walkers making her fall and lose her knife, she took out her gun and shot the walkers with the few bullets she had, when she ran out of bullets and surrounded by walkers the only thing she could do was to squeeze AJ very tightly to protect him in her arms.

clementine pov : is this really going to be the end of me, have I really failed? I've fought so hard to get AJ and this is how I'm going to end up.

The young girl with the pigtails was crying as she hugged AJ but suddenly several gunshots rang out and she saw each of the walkers fall.

Clementine pov: As I closed my eyes from the gunshots, with what little I could see besides the walkers falling to the ground, I saw the figure of someone, it was a boy in a hat, who looked about my age.

(?): Hey, are you okay, can I give you a hand?

Clementine: Yes, I'm fine, thanks for helping me.

(?): What are you doing here?

Clementine: I don't know, all I did was run away from a herd of walkers and I ended up here, in the forest, surrounded by them, until you saved me.

As the stranger gave the young woman with the pigtails a hand to get up, they started walking, and the young stranger decided to start a conversation with the young woman in the cap.

(?): By the way, my name is Carl, Carl Grimes, I know you didn't ask me, but. ....

clementine: clementine, my name is clementine, but you can call me clem.

clementine: carl, can i ask you a question?

carl: sure

clementine: why did you decide to help me?

carl: well, when i heard the cry of a baby, i didn't have my group near me, i couldn't find them and well, i quickly took my gun and ran into the forest and when i saw that you were surrounded, i didn't hesitate to shoot those walkers.

clementine: But how did you know he was a good person, how did you know he wasn't going to attack you after helping me?

carl: well, i never knew, i like to help others even if i don't know them. besides, you had a baby in your arms, i couldn't let them eat you alive along with him.

clementine: well, anyway, thanks for helping me, but i guess i'll be on my way.

carl: wait

clementine: what's wrong?

carl: well, i noticed that you are hungry, you have no weapons, you have a baby in your arms and you have nowhere to live, i live in a prison with big walls, we have weapons and a lot of food, if you want you can come with me.

Carl x Clementine (The Walking dead)Where stories live. Discover now