Part 1

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Hi, my name is mason. Im 15 years old, im trans, bisexual, adopted and in the car, on my way to a sleepaway camp my guardian Lisa is sending me to. She thinks it would be good for me. "Maaaasooooon we are here" lisa says in her usual upbeat voice. "Seriously lisa? This place looks like its run by homophobes." She than went on about how she would never send me to a place like that. I hopped out if the car, grabbed my bags out of the trunk and walked around a bit. A cute counselor jogged up to me. "HEEEYYY your mason, right?!." So unnecessarily loud, he gives off the same energy as present mic. "Yeah, your my counselor?" "COOOORRCT! Follow me friend!" I follow him to the cabins for the men. Loud dude brings me into a cabin and i put my stuff down on an empty bed and plug my phone in. I text my big brother. "Hey lil bro" "hey man:( this place is boring as shit and full of guys probably named chad or something" "mason you have been there for five minutes, give it a chance." "For your information, i have been here for ten minuets" "i will talk to you later dude gotta go" "oh bye." A mean looking dude and a nice looking dude that is definitely gay walks in. The nice looking one walks up to me and introduces himself. "Hi my name is Lukas but everyone calls me luke." I look up from my phone and say "Hi Lukas, my names mason." I say. He sits down next to me "sooo mason, do you have any hobbies mason?" He smiled as he said that. It was kind of cute. I put my phone down before replying "i like painting, making fun of my twin, playing video games, and hooking up with your mom" i say. "So hes funny, huh?" "What about your hobbies, smart guy?" He went on to explain his hobbies, he likes sports, video games, re-watching the good place millions of times, and giving his friends stick and poke tattoo's. He hands me a monster energy drink and tells me he grabbed an extra for the first friend he made. "Thanks dude." "No problem, man!"

We were called to the mess hall and we all where told about all the rules and stuff. Lukas turned to me half way through the presentation and asked me a question. "Do you like guys? I just want to know if im alone and you" "oh yeah im totally into guys" "ooooh thank god i thought i was alone on this hell on earth." And thats how my summer started.

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