Silver and Snow

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I woke up first, pressed up against Nico's unconscious body. I tried to move, but it was difficult in this confined area.

What... I thought, looking around. This is weird.

The walls were silver, and curved. It was really cold. And... it was a jar.

Are you kidding me?




Nico gave a low groan, rubbing his head. He looked around, eyes wide. "What the..."

"Setne sucks." I mutter. "And is so unoriginal. He couldn't think of anything more creative?"

Ok, so the weird part: there's light, but no shadows. Not even our own. Because Setne is a jerk of a jerk. He's the jerk king. I've decided I really hate him.

My knee is healed somehow, and our swords are in their sheaths. I knock on the walls experimentally. A hollow thump thump sound follows. There's a sound like shattering glass. I freeze, looking Nico in the eyes. He shrugs like 'I don't know, why are you looking at me?'

"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Owie!" Came a muffled voice.

"Stop being such a baby, Will." Came an exasperated female voice.

"But it really hurts!"

"I have more cuts than you do!"

"But it hurts!"

"Ugh. Let's just find the two idiot love birds."

There's a loud scraping sound, like metal on metal, as the lid of the jar was removed. Erin- cheerful, happy, wonderful Erin -stuck her head through the entrance. "Found you!"

"How are you..." I stammer. "What are you... But..." My brain is m41func1on1ng.

"My gods, just come on!"

She waved her hand in a dramatic flourish and somehow we started floating upwards, through the hole. The second we left the jar, our shadows returned. Weird.

Will was standing patiently (not) by the shards of what might have been a glass jar. Erin slid down the silver jar like it was a slide, twirling her pretty magic staff-stick. "Let's focus on getting out of here." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets as me and Nico tumbled ungracefully from the air.

Erin made a scoffing sound. "You're one to talk."

"I thought we were going to die!"

"That does NOT give you permission to kiss me in my sleep!"

"But you're such a Sleeping Beauty." Will muttered.

"Don't make me slap you again." Erin warned. Will rubbed a red mark on his cheek.

"Ummmmmmm, guys?" Nico said nervously. "GIANT!"

"Time to go!" I yelled, grabbing hold of everyone. I shadow traveled us away, getting the vague impression of a large, shadowy figure laughing in the distance. Then all there was was darkness.


We landed in the snow.

"Where are we!!" Erin said, panicked.

"Kahlan, if you teleported us to Siberia, I'm going to kill you."

"Nice vote of confidence, Will." I muttered. I kneeled down. Some parts of the snow were smoother than others, even though there were small hills. Like the snow had been ran over by a metal sheet, or...

Moguls. That's what those hills are called. Moguls.


I recognized this place.

"I know where we are." I said. "We're in... Colorado."

"What? With a choice of anywhere on Earth, you chose Colorado?" Erin asked.

"Wolf Creek Colorado in Pagosa Springs." I said. "I love this place. It's my favorite place on Earth."

"Do you know how to get to civilization from here?" Nico asked.

"Down this path- Kaa -onto Powder Puff. Then we should be able to find the Skii Lodge."

"Okay, lezgo!" Erin said enthusiastically.

And with that, we started our trek down the mountain. Erin stayed dry the whole time, probably due to her Poseidon child magic.

No one else had been on the slopes, but a few pairs of skiis were at the lodge. Erin let herself get wet right before we walked through the doors. Her lips started turning blue almost instantly.

We opened the doors and I led us to the café area. We sat down, Erin curling into Will for warmth.

A girl walked over to our table. "Excuse me?" She said. "But what are you poor kids doing here in T-shirts and jeans?"

"Um, we got kidnapped in July." I said, which was true.

"Oh, you poor things. It's November."

"Shut up," Erin said. "No way. Oops, I'm sorry, that was kinda rude. But, uhh, do you have anything we could use to warm up?"

The woman smiled at us. "I'll be right back with parkas, hot chocolate, and security so we can get you home. Back to Camp Half Blood." She winked and left.

Erin blinked. "She's a dryad." She snuggled closer to Will.

"Erin, you're so cold." He said, sounding worried.

"I'll b-be f-fine." She said, stuttering slightly. "I'm so tired."

The dryad came back with 4 parkas; 2 black, 1 gold, and 1 blue. She also had a platter of hot chocolates. Two men in black suits were with her.

"You can't fall asleep. Look, here are the people with the warm stuff." Will said, taking the blue parka from the dryad and wrapping Erin up in it.

Will took the gold parka for himself. Nico and I each took a black.

"What's your name?" I asked the dryad.

"Pine." I finally took the time to study her. She had curly reddish brown hair, tied into a ponytail, and emerald green eyes. She wore small gold earings and a green sweater. "What's wrong with your friend... oh. Hypothermia. Get her to drink the cocoa." She whispered. "It has a little nectar."

That was all Will needed. He very literally poured the contents of his drink down Erin's throat. Erin spluttered.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Will, it's called HOT chocolate for a reason!" Her lips had lost the blue tint.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you." Will said.

"I'm okay now." Erin yawned. She leaned against him.

"I'm sorry." He said, laying his head against her's. Erin fell asleep, snoring softly. Will looked at Pine. "How are you going to get us home?"

"We have four plane tickets to New York, scheduled for tomorrow. And don't worry about Erin," she added, "I asked Zeus. A quick flight would be tolerable. We have a cabin for you four to stay in tonight."

"Thanks." Nico said. "We need a place to crash."

The thirty minute car ride was uneventful. When we got to the cabin- a rather plain looking one -I flopped down on the couch (who needs beds?) and fell asleep almost immediately.


My rotation is a lie. Sorry this took so long, but my internet was funny and when I did have internet, I didn't have my drafts. But you're not here for my excuses. While you're waiting for this train wreck to update, you can check out my other books. Sometimes I feel they get more love than this one. Also, start this: #Death2Autocorrect.

Buh bia! XD

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