Broken and Hurt

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A couple days later, Nico and Will came out of the infirmary.

"You're okay!" I tackled Nico to the ground with a hug. "You're okay, you're okay, you're okay."

Nico smiled a little. "Yep. Like it never happened. So, how's your day been?"

"Gods, don't ever get an arrow through your back again!"

"Wasn't planning on it."

I let him up. Will was looking at Erin. Erin was ignoring Will. He walked up to her.

"It's not my fault." Will was saying. "Please give me another chance."

She ignored him, staring off into the distance.

He grabbed her chin and looked her in the eyes. "Please, Erin." He breathed, closing his eyes and leaning down.

Erin punched his nose. Will reeled away, blood running down his face.

"Don't touch me." She growled, returning to staring off into the distance.

Will walked away, head down. I could have sworn he was crying.

Erin's hand drifted to her stomach, where she told me she had a scar where Will's arrow pierced her. She stared at the distance, humming a forlorn tune under her breath.

"Erin!" It was Percy, running up to her. Riptide glowed in his hand. "You okay? Where's Will?"

She ignored him too. He went to touch her shoulder and she held up a hand.

"If you're concerned for his well-being, he has a bloody nose. And if you touch me, you will too." She said coldly. Percy ignored her and laid his hand on her shoulder.

She grabbed his hand and flipped him over her shoulder.

"Ow." Percy said.

"I said not to touch me." Erin growled, walking off.

"Erin, wait, please don't go hide in the lake again." Percy pleaded. It was getting to the point where if she was mad, she could sleep on the bottom of the lake.

I started to run after her, but Nico held me back. "Let Percy handle this. He has less chance of getting hurt by the lake."

"But Erin..."

"Is mad. Let her calm down."

"What are you, a junior psychiatrist?"

"No, don't be a smart aleck."

"Shut up, death boy. And she's not mad. She's broken and hurt."

"So is Will's nose."


Sorry sorry this was really short! I decided that I absolutely hated the direction that this chapter was going in the draft, so now I have to completely rewrite that. Sorry again!

Buh bia! XD

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