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Lillies pov:

When Ryder and Chase arrived back at the tower, i knew that he was feeling better and braver, despite being kidnapped!

I looked at Ryder,  who had a massive grin on his face. I knew he managed to come through to Chase.

I looked around to see Chase and the other pups playing a game called, pup pup boogie? I laughed, they were really enjoying it! After a while, Ryder got an alarming call!

"PAW patrol, whats your emergency?" Ryder answered, causing us all to look at the bug screen. It was the local scientist, Kendra!

"Whats the emergency! The mesoscale convective system is causing exponential thermal lift and catastrophic downbursts at over 190 knocks!" She rapidly said,

"What!" We all said, exept one pup.

"Its a super bad storm, come on guys, keep up!" Rubble sighed and rolled his eyes. I looked back at the screen and saw Kendra's eyes light up.

"Finally, someone who gets me! This is not a regular storm. It's being caused by a weather- control devise thats unleashing weeks of bad weather all at once!" We heard the panic in her voice, and as she said storm the pups whimpered.  They hate storms, well occording to Ryder.

"Take cover, we're on our way!" Ryder answered,  ending the call.

"Right pups, suit up!" Ryder declared, getting his helmet and putting it on. The other pups nodded and started getting ready!

"Ill head out now and get everyone to saftey. I will also warn the not-so-smart mayor!" I declared, walking out the door. I grabbed a motorbike that Ryder had been making for me and it was finally finished.

I arrived at Mayor Humdingers' new tower.  I sighed, why did he have so many bad ideas! Who in their right mind would build a glass, and thin, office on top of the TALLEST skyscraper in the WORLD! i certainly never thiught i woukd see this, but there is a time for everything!

I ran over to the elevator and pressed the only button. As i waited for it to click, i saw the Mayors bodyguards run out taking the cats to safety.

"Mayor, come with me, your in danger!" I screamed over all the thunder and bad westher. He sat down at his desk and acted like a spoilt child,

"I will not leave!" He cried, when the elevator dinged and Ryder was there. Suddenly the mayor ran over and stood with Ryder. 

"Yku dont know how much i will enjoy this" i exclamed, pressing the button to send them down.

I laughed, hearing the Mayor screaming as he went down.

"Im making my way down!" I say, through my walkie talkie.

I grabbed my grappling hook and hooked it to the top of the elevator shaft.

"Woahh" i yelled, as i started to climb down. I watched my step as i went.

Suddenly, there was a loud creak as i stepped onto the next part.

As i climbed down, being more cautious than last, it started to creak more!

And, as i stepped on one part... it collapsed on me! Falling glass was everywhere and i hit my head. Blacking out for the second time!

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Sorry this chapyer is a little short, im just trying to stretch it out and keep some key elements of the movie! (I know that this happens to Ryder in the movie, but i changed it muahhaha)

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