Chapter 2

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Bellamy and I had fallen asleep on the couch. I told him what happened last night, but I didn't tell him the whole story. Somewhere in the middle of our talk he stood up and scooped Dylan up in his strong arms. He carried her up to his bed and laid her down. Bubbah followed, much to his dismay. They fell back to sleep tangled up in his sheets. I knew they smelled like home.

I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, feeling Bellamy's warm hand on my waist. His eyes were open, he was watching me. He had a weird look on his face, like he was waiting for me to disappear, "so it wasn't a dream."

He shook his head, "I thought it was too," he said quietly, "it's been two years, Clarke. Two years of silence."

"He wouldn't let me have you. He made me choose," I bit my lip and tried not to cry. I was tired of crying, "at that time I thought he was the only thing I needed. After Dylan was born, I realized how much I missed you, how much I wanted you in her life. I'm so sorry," I reached up and pushed back his hair, "but he hit me the first time I mentioned seeing you again."

He did it because he wanted me to associated pain with Bellamy. He had always been jealous of how close we were. He never liked that my best friend was a guy, that's why he had made me choose. After she was born, I missed him more and more. I wanted him to be in my daughter's life. I wanted him to see this little life I had created, but he didn't see it that way. He didn't want Bell around our child, because he was afraid I would leave him. He thought the bruises would convince me to stay.

He was wrong.

Bellamy winced and he was about to say something, when there was a cry from upstairs. I jumped up, mom mode on and ran towards my daughter. She was sitting up in bed, big tears in her eyes, "momma," her voice was quiet as she reached for me. I picked her up and she stopped crying. She was nervous to wake up in a room she didn't remember falling asleep in. I heard her tightly, kissing her cheek as I bounced her up and down.

"It's okay," I said feeling Bellamy watching me. He leaned against the doorframe as Bubbah started barking at him. He was protective over the two of us, "hush. You're in his bed Bubbah."

Bellamy laughed, "yeah and I'm not a big fan of dog hair, so be happy I love your owner."

I smiled, feeling the pull on my heart. I had missed my best friend. Dylan had settled down and started squirming in my arms, "down," she giggling as I kissed her cheek. I smiled and set her down on the floor. She stopped from running out of the room as she looked up at Bellamy. He was tall to me, he was a giant to her.

He laughed and knelt down to her level, "Dylan," he offered her his hand and she looked at me. I nodded my head and she bypassed his hand. She hugged him the way she hugged me. I smiled, feeling more tears in my eyes as my two favorite human beings got to know each other.

"Bellmy," she couldn't say his name and we both laughed as he stood up with her in his arms, "momma, Bellmy."

I smiled and nodded my head, "yes. Bellmy," I repeated her and he rolled his eyes. He hated when people butchered his name.

"I'll let that slide because you're cute," he said looking at me. I wasn't sure if he was telling me that or my daughter. Still it made me smile, "so what are we going to do today girls? I'm all yours. We've got two years to catch up on."

Dylan giggled as he tickled her sides and I let out a breath, "I can't leave the house. My face is a big purple mess," I winced as he looked at it again, "but you two can go have fun. Take her to my parents. They haven't seen her this big yet."

His eyes went wide, "he would't let you see Jake and Abby?" I shook my head, "I wish I had known he was such a bastard. I'd kidnapped you when your mom asked."

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