"Okay, let's try and talk to this new guy then huh? While we got time," Cassandra breathed, and Latias turned so they were face-to-face with the unknown creature, which stared at her with unblinking eyes. It was tense and ready for a fight, but it was definitely tired, too. She couldn't actually know, but Latias was somehow making her feel it. She held up her hands, "We don't want to fight you–not unless you mean harm."

The creature flinched, meeting her eyes, then looked to Rayquaza. It did so for a long moment before meeting her gaze again.

Friend. Missing. Must. Find.

"What the fuck–" she gasped, the words piercing her mind. The voice was a monotonous drone. Robotic, even, and a bit child-like. She narrowed her eyes, "Wait–you... you're looking for... a friend? There's another one of you here?"


"If we stop, Rayquaza–you won't do anything, uh, crazy? Like you won't attack anyone?

Only. Defend.

Beneath her, Latias sent a feeling of comfort–reassurance. The alien Pokémon was sincere then.

"Okay. We'll do everything we can to protect you then. Just trust us. We'll keep you safe and you can go find your friend," Cassandra nodded and touched Latias' brow. "Hey, buddy, time to get back into the fray. We gotta stop that dragon and protect this guy here."

The legendary flier sent a "scoff", as if to say "of course". The Trainer just grinned and held tight as the red-colored Legendary shot off back towards the battle. She came by Leon, shouting for him. He gave her a thumbs up from his spot on Latios, who deftly dodged Rayquaza's strike, the dragon keen on going after who was running the show. Chara and Charizard continued their assault, firing dragon-type moves and Flamethrowers and Air Slashes. It didn't seem like much, but the dragon was moving less than before. Yet, it was no less furious–and no less intent on attacking the new Pokémon.

Cassandra was quick to maneuver in Rayquaza's way, bringing out her Gallade to use a Protect, which barely managed to withstand the fierce Dragon Pulse. Then Chara was there, slashing into the green skinned beast and finally breaking through. It roared in challenge, only to be struck by both a Flamethrower and then a Dragon Claw from a Salamence–Leon's, to be exact, which he had brought forth and struck with deadly accuracy. Rayquaza screamed and howled in rage, firing off blast after blast, trying to reach the alien Pokémon, which remained back and watched, unblinking.

Then, at last–Salamence let loose a devastating Hyper Beam which struck the Legendary Dragon right in the face. It was thrown back, stopping short. A pregnant pause passed, then–its body began to glow brightly, not unlike when it had Mega Evolved to destroy the meteor. The light engulfed it for a few seconds, then dissolved to reveal its original form, which, after another moment, began to fall downwards.

"Leon! Now!" the redhead shouted, too far away to throw a Poke ball, but her lover wasn't. With a quick snatch into his pack, he had Latios dive close and threw the ball hard at the dragon. It hit, bounced back, and zapped Rayquaza with a red beam that consumed the Pokémon and pulled it into the device. Latios quickly maneuvered Leon to grab the ball and keep it close, watching as it squirmed in his hands. All Pokémon and Trainers held their breath as it kept struggling and wriggling and then–it stopped.

"I CAUGHT IT!" he bellowed with a laugh added in, lying back on Latios as exhaustion seized him. The Legendary Pokémon snickered and sent a wave of approval, as did Latias to Cassandra who requested to be taken to the other Pokémon, which looked more relaxed.

"It's safe now. If you want to go look for your friend, go ahead," she offered, but it remained there, watching here.

You. Helped. Me.

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])Where stories live. Discover now