Akame: Thank you, but you don't need to worry about me

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Akame: Thank you, but you don't need to worry about me.

Y/N: Nonsense. I'm going to worry about the wellbeing of everyone in my empire, you included.

Leone POV

I was watching Y/N and Akame eating lunch together. They seemed to be getting along very well.

Leone: (It's going to be fun having sex with him. We'll see who's the better lover, Esdeath~. Not that it will matter in the end. With how nice he is, no doubt many girls are going to want to date....speaking of which, I need to keep bulat away from him)

Akame POV

I was with Y/N and we were eating lunch together. While we ate, Y/N was very polite and gentleman like. He even brought out my seat for me. I also couldn't deny the fact that he was pretty handsome. Once we finished eating, Y/N payed for our food like he said he would. We then got up and Y/N left a generous tip as well and cleaned off the table from what little mess we made as well as push in our chairs and thank the workers. We then went back to walking around the Capital when he spoke.

Y/N: Hey, Umm. I'm not sure what your relationship with your sister was so would you like to see her again?

Akame: You can do that for me?

Y/N: Yeah. She helps Esdeath out.

Akame: I'd like to see her again...

Y/N: Alright. Follow me.

Akame: Alright.

We then started walking towards the palace.


Akame and I were walking towards the palace and when we arrived, we saw Esdeath.

Esdeath: Welcome Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Es. Can you do me a favor and get Kurome if she's here? Don't tell her this, but Her sister would like to see her again.

Esdeath: Alright. She's here so I'll go get her.

Y/N: Thanks.

A few minutes later, Esdeath came back with Kurome

A few minutes later, Esdeath came back with Kurome

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See Carolus Rise!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя