Chapter I

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I was in my room, reading a book happily, when I heard church bells start ringing. I immediately jumped up and dropped my book and was about to run out of my room when the door opened suddenly, revealing my father's most loyal General, Esdeath, with a look of dread.

 I immediately jumped up and dropped my book and was about to run out of my room when the door opened suddenly, revealing my father's most loyal General, Esdeath, with a look of dread

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Y/N: Esdeath! What's happening?!

Esdeath: Come with me...

I immediately started following her and we walked outside and I saw my father on a stretcher...with a bullet wound in his head, causing me to tear up and I fought back the tears but it was difficult since I had no biological family left.

Esdeath noticed me on the verge of tears and hugged me

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Esdeath noticed me on the verge of tears and hugged me. She's really only loving towards me. Eventually I broke down and started sobbing into Esdeath's chest while she did her best to comfort me.

Esdeath: You're now king, Y/N. I'll be by your side forever...I promise.

I nodded my head as she continued hugging me. Once I had calmed down, the entire funeral service went on and once it was all over, I was crowned king. Esdeath and I then walked back to the palace and I saw the Prime Minister, who I didn't like nor trust, waiting for us while also eating meat, as usual.

 Esdeath and I then walked back to the palace and I saw the Prime Minister, who I didn't like nor trust, waiting for us while also eating meat, as usual

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See Carolus Rise!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora