Chapter V

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I was back in the palace, talking with Spear, Seryu, Esdeath, and Chouri.

Chouri: So you want to make Night Raid swear loyalty to you?

Y/N: Yes, but I'm doing it in a peaceful way. They want me to prove to them that I'll really do as I said I would.

Seryu: So What are you going to do?

Y/N: Prove to them that I mean good intentions.

Spear: I'll help you in anyway you like.

Y/N: *smiles* Thanks, Spear.

Esdeath: As will I.

Seryu: So will I.

Chouri: I'm glad to be working alongside a great king.

I smiled and thanked them all.

Spear: Hey, Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Spear: What happened to Richard?

Y/N: Oh! I got him into an military training for hunting where he'll become a hunter for the kingdom. He told me he used to hunt when he was younger so I decided that making him a hunter would be a good start.

Spear: I'm glad to hear that. You really are a great king. *smiles softly*I'm glad I got to meet you and I look forward to working with you until the end of time.

I blushed slightly and looked towards the ground with a smile on my face.

Y/N: T-Thank you, Spear.

Spear: *giggles* You're welcome.

Esdeath: Well, let's get to bed Y/N. It's almost night.

Y/N: Right. Good night everyone.

Seryu: Good night Y/N. I'm going to walk around the capital just to make sure there's no justice that needs to be served.

Y/N: Alright, but be careful.

Seryu: I will.

Spear: Good night, your majesty. I hope you get a good nights rest.

Y/N: I hope you get a good nights rest as well.

Chouri: I'll talk to you tomorrow, your majesty. Get some sleep.

Y/N: You too, Chouri.

Esdeath: *Wraps around Y/N's arm* Let's go to bed now~.

Y/N: *blushes* R-Right.

Esdeath then pulled me towards my room which she brought some of her clothes into since she now basically just sleeps with me. When we made it into my room, Esdeath smiled at me and started undressing, making me panic slightly, but another part of me was excited. Once she was in lingerie, she turned towards me.

Esdeath: I know you've been watching me so tell me~...*PIC below* How do you like my body~?

*PIC below* How do you like my body~?

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