Y/N: What's your name?

Beggar: Richard.

Y/N:Alright. I'll be back, Richard. I'm going to come back once I'm done giving a tour to my guest of honor, Okay? Stay right here.

Richard: Y-Yes your majesty! Thank you!

I smiled at him and went back to giving Spear a tour. Things went by quickly and once it was over, I asked Seryu to escort Spear to the palace while I went to help Richard. Seryu agreed, hesitantly since she didn't want to leave me by myself but I reassured her that I'd be just fine. Once she started taking Spear towards the palace, I walked back to where Richard was and just like I asked him to do, he was waiting for me.

Richard: Your majesty! I'm glad to see you again. No other king would've come back to help someone like me.

Y/N: I made a promise, right?

Richard: Yeah..*smiles* Thanks.

Y/N: Alright. Time to get up. We're going to find you a job so you can support yourself. Do you have any hobbies?

Richard: When I was younger...I liked hunting with my father....

Y/N: If I got you a gun or a bow, would you be willing to go out there and hunt for food?

Richard: Of course, but I've gotten rusty...

Y/N: Are you willing to get a military training on firing and hunting?

Richard: I wouldn't mind that at all.

Y/N: Then let's get you some better clothes so you can be more presentable.

Richard: Alright.

We then went to a clothes store and I bought Richard something he could wear for now. I then got him signed up for a heavily modified military training that only focused on rifles, bows, and hunting. He gladly joined and he went on his way, thanking me for everything. I smiled as he walked away, happy with his new life.

???: My. You're quite the helper!

I then turned around and saw a girl with blonde hair and yellow eyes

I then turned around and saw a girl with blonde hair and yellow eyes

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Y/N: Why thank you. I'm Y/-

???: King Y/N "Carolus" Rex. Everyone should know you by now.

Y/N: *nervous/embarrassed chuckle* R-Right...I'm still not used to being called "King"...anyways, what's your name?

???: Leone. It's nice to meet ya, Rex.

Y/N: *smiles* Nice to meet you as well, Leone. Well, it was nice meeting you. Hopefully we can see each other soon.

Leone: That would be awesome. Well you must be busy so I'll let ya go. Bye~!

Y/N: Bye Leone.

We then walked away and I went back to the palace and spent the rest of the day talking with Spear, Esdeath, Seryu, and Chouri. When it was time to go to sleep, I heard a knock on my door.

See Carolus Rise!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ