Chapter 3: Little Story.

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I woke up and looked at the ceiling. The ceiling wasn't violet, but light purple with golden decorations of flowers.

I sat up and touched my head.

I was feeling a bit dizzy. But.. i was shocked about what i was seeing.

I was in a bedroom.. not in my bedroom, but a very.. much nicer bedroom. It wasn't made with wood.. rather it was very clean and shiny.. There were big two windows on my right and a huge

white carpet with light violet decorations in it on the floor. There was also a fancy desk.. fancy sofas.. fancy little table.. it all seemed so.. elegant. Everything was decorated with light puurple, white and gold.

"W-where am i?" I was confused.

"Mister Exios? Mister Exios?" I continued calling him, but there was no response.

"Wait a second.."


"Found you." Said the man with short dark green hair and light purple eyes with round glasses.

"Huh? Uh.. who..?" I was confused. I didn't know who he was.

"What's your name little one?"


"Nice to meet you Liliana" He smiled at me.

"Uhm.. if you are searching for mister Exios he-"

"Actually i'm here for you." Smiles

"huh?.. Uhm.."

"My name is Denver." smiles

"Hello.. Mister Denver.." 'He's here.. for me?'

"Liliana i have a favor to ask you."


"Would you mind turning around?" Smiles

"Uh.. sure..?" I slowly turned around.

'Uh.. this is awkward-'

"Sorry there little one, but i'll need you to sleep for a bit."

Suddenly.. my vision went black.


"That's..what happened earlier.. but where am i now? Why did Mister Denver..."

I looked at my hand and sensed something strange about it.

'Why does it feel like something changed?'

I shook my head and decided to walk around the room. I looked at the luxurios furniture, i took a look in the closet which had many

pretty clothes. Then i decided to take a look through the window.

'What..' I saw a massive city below me.


I was shocked of the view. I still didn't know where i was.



"Good afternoon Lady Liliana."

I turned around. There were three ladies with long dresses. The one who was talking was in the one in the middle. She had her brown hair tied in a bun and had light brown eyes. She had a cold expression on her face.

"W-what- w-who-"

"We are sorry that we are only calling her by her name. Duke Erfen told us that he doesn't know your full name.. Would you tell us her full name?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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