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"Draco was lowering his wand." Harry said to Hermione on top of the Astronomy tower, right where Dumbledore had fallen off. I stood back to let them talk, but I could hear almost every word they were saying. Ron sat close by me, but chose not to meddle in the conversation just yet. "It was Snape. It had always been Snape." Harry confessed, lowering his head.

"There was nothing you could have done, Harry." Hermione told him. Harry takes something out of his pocket, and hands it to Hermione.

"It was fake. Open it." She opens it. I could not make out what she had in her hand, but out of it came a note. She began to read it aloud.

"R.A.B." She recited multiple times after she read through it.

"They have the real Horcrux." Harry said, intriguing me. "No idea who it could be, though."

The two giggled to themselves for a moment, while Ron and I sat back pondering with our own thoughts.

Hermione turned back to me. "I'm sorry about Draco, Eleanor." That was the first kind thing she had said to me about him.

"It was all in the cards to begin with." I shrug. "I don't want or need him anymore. He was just a fun mystery I got to explore for a while." I look down a fiddle with my wand to keep me distracted. Every time I looked up, I had flashbacks to Dumbledore's once lively body standing in front of me.

"Well," Harry started, "I have to finish whatever it is that Dumbledore started, so I'm not coming back here." I look up at him, wanting to know more.

"Do you really think you're going to be able to find all those Horcruxes by yourself? You need us, Harry." Hermione asks him, looking at Ron for confirmation. I began to wonder if I even fit into this conversation. "Eleanor, Hogwarts is doomed if we don't find these Horcruxes. If you'd like to join us, we would love to have you."

I perk up. "Are you serious?" I ask. They all nod. "Hell, yeah. I need to get out of this bloody school anyways." They laughed at the fact, but I really did. There was nothing left for me here. All I had was my sister, and the best friends that she could have asked for.

After a few more moments enjoying the view of the orange sun reflecting against the lake, we made our way back down the staircase, back into Hogwarts, ready to begin our next chapter.


I walk out of my dorm room, wearing my favorite black skirt paired with a white button up, thigh-high stockings and black shoes with a slight heel. No robe today, because it wasn't a school day. I find myself down in the common room, studying everyone that passed through. Some were in a rush to get to breakfast, some were barely awake, some had been up for hours playing chess at the table. Then, I spot him.

His platinum hair bounced across the room, his shoulders were broad with confidence. Of course he'd be confident, he was with the hottest girl in the entire school.

"Hey, darling." Draco wraps his arm around my waist and gives me a kiss on the forehead. "Are you ready to go?" He asks. I nod.

We proceed down the hallway as two people, side by side. A few people noticed us together, but none said anything. Halfway to the Great Hall, he looked at me, and clutched my hand in his. Now, we began walking as a couple. As one. I couldn't help but blush, as I had never really done this before.

Rounding the corner to breakfast, we were in step. You could have played us in slow motion to give us more of a badass effect, but we were a badass couple as it was. I felt so powerful, so alive with him. I felt important. This is what Dumbledore wanted from me, I see it now. I feel it now. It had all worked out.

"Draco, everyone is looking at us." I whisper to him as I notice stares from students that never would have suspected us together.

"Well, of course they are, darling. You're with me. You'd better get used to it." He gives me a cheeky smile and squeezes my hand.

We passed Pansy Parkinson, who whispered something under her breath about being a blood traitor. Both of us ignored her, though. Draco lead me away from them, and sat with me at my end of the table.

"I can't believe I'm dating the Slytherin prince." I tell him softly over his shoulder.

"You'll forever be my Slytherin princess." He pulls me in for a public kiss and I could feel his smile against mine.

Within moments, I opened my eyes as I heard a familiar voice calling my name.


A lot of people are confused about the ending. Just keep an open mind and wonder what's next. Was the whole thing a dream? Or was this last moment a dream, and they weren't really together? Or was she just reliving a moment that already happened and it's the future now? Have fun with it and leave your guesses in the comments!


Thank you so much for reading! Thank you to those that voted for this story along the way!

I came up with this on a whim, not really knowing where it would lead, and I pretty much love how it turned out! It's my first story, so I expected it to not be perfect.

So what did you all think? Did you like it? What do you wish you could have seen more of? Did anything shock you? What was your favorite part! Let me know in the comments! I would love to hear your feedback!!

Until next time, friends!


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