The Room of Requirement

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Hermione and I decided to take a trip to Hogsmeade. It was Christmas break, we could do what we wanted, and we wanted to have a little fun. Of course, the gang isn't complete unless Ron and Harry are around. Harry has been a little on edge recently, especially because he has a bad feeling about Draco like Hermione does. Oh, and of course probably because Voldemort is coming for him.

I still couldn't believe Draco would do such a thing to me. I hadn't spoken to him since I called him a ferret face.

"Butterbeer, anyone?" Ron suggests on our walk to Hogsmeade. 

"To the Three Broomsticks we go." I chant. 

On a side note, I am very appreciative of Harry and Ron. They accept me into their trio as if I were one of them - as if I weren't a Slytherin. I guess they like me enough to do so, or they trust Hermione's judgement enough of me to allow me around. I hope it lasts, because I'm feeling more and more like a Slytherin every day.

We march our way into the Three Broomsticks and order a butterbeer for each of us. 

As we stayed a while and chatted about anything and everything, we must have gone through at least three butterbeers each. Nearing the end of our visit here, I was getting stuffed and a little tipsy on butterbeer. 

I watch Draco walk by out the window. I wasn't sure how I was able to spot his white hair against the white snow outside, but somehow I did. And now I was intrigued. I didn't want to talk to him, but I wanted to get to the bottom of this. 

"Hey Harry, did you bring that map with you?" I ask.

He pauses for a moment, as if I wasn't supposed to know about the map. "Marauder's Map?" He confirms. I nod. "Yeah, it's in my pocket. Do you need to use it?"

"I would love to use it in just a moment, if you aren't going to be needing it soon." 

He shifted eyes between me, Hermione, and Ron, as if looking for conformation to hand me the map. "Sure. What for?" 

"I can tell you later if you let me borrow one more thing from you."

"Go on."

"Do you still have that cloak?" 

Everyone's eyes widen. Thank Merlin we were in an empty corner of this pub because they probably wouldn't like me too much if I were asking for these things with a full crowd. 

"Yes. It's in my dorm. Why?" 

"I just need to borrow it. I promise I can tell you after I use it." They don't respond, causing me to roll my eyes and have to say "And yes, I will bring both of your things back." They seemed to settle down after I said I'd return them. 

"Let me go get the cloak for you." Harry stands up. I couldn't say no. It would be better for me for him to give it to me rather than me have to sneak in and possibly be seen stealing it. 

We ended up making it back to Hogwarts, stumbling all the way there after how much we had had to drink. They led me through the Gryffindor common room since almost everyone seemed to be out for the break and no one was around. 

"Here you go." Harry digs the cloak out from somewhere under his bed. 

"How do I look?" I say as I wrap it around myself, leaving only my head visible. I chuckle at myself.

"Like a floating head." Ron states the obvious. 

"And here's the map." Hermione hands it over.

"Thanks you guys. I promise I will put them to good use until I return them." I state as I back out into the Gryffindor common room. They did not follow me out. 

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