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"Wha- What do you mean?" Hermione's voice cracks under the pressure of her holding back tears. 

"The night of the Yule Ball. You tried to poison Draco. But it failed. Instead, I ended up with the contaminated drink."

She was at a loss for words. "Eleanor..."

"Is that true or no?" 

"I promise I wasn't trying to hurt you.." A tear escapes down her cheek. 

I lower my head and shake it in disbelief. "Why would you do something like that anyways?"

"I wanted him away from you. I didn't want you getting hurt being with him."

"So you decide to hurt me instead?"


"I know it was an accident or whatever. I know." I interrupt her and stand up by my bed. "But let's just pretend that your little plan did work. He would fall to the ground, without any warning actually because he had had a lot more to drink than I had in one sitting. It would have hit him all at once. Everyone would have known that I was next to him the whole night. So what do you think would have happened to me then, Hermione?"

"You'd be free from him.." She answered without faltering.

"Wrong." I begin to pace as I narrate. "I would be framed for poisoning him. No one would have suspected you. But me? I was the one always bullied by him specifically. I was the one that he and his friends always tormented - I've always been called things that not even you could imagine have been said to me. Who else would have a better reason to be rid of him than me? Pansy would for sure pin it on me just to have a reason to get rid of me too."

Hermione now lowered her head. "I didn't think about it that way. I was acting on emotion, and I just didn't want him to hurt you. I'm sorry." She stuffs her hands in her pockets and hides her face from me, so I couldn't see any more tears.

"Even if he did hurt me, Hermione, that's on me. I was there with him. I was expecting something to not go quite right. And to my surprise it was all your doing, not his." I sarcastically chuckle. "Please leave me alone now."

Her eyes meet mine and she hesitates to leave. She seems like she wants to say something else, but decides it was not the wisest choice, and she makes her leave. 

I plop back down on my bed as if I had been thrown there. I didn't want to move, but now that my blood was boiling, I knew I should probably get up at do something I enjoy. Quidditch practice. 


Quidditch was one of the only things I enjoyed, besides the piano. It could take my mind off of the real world as I focused on the game. Once it was time, I changed into my practice uniform, grabbed my Firebolt broomstick, and headed out the door. 

I only recently received the Firebolt as a gift, and haven't gotten to use it yet.


I sat at the Slytherin table midday on Christmas Day, as did the rest of the students awaiting their gifts from home to arrive. No one seemed to want to eat yet as we were all staring impatiently at the door.

Finally, owls began trickling through the doors, dropping gifts of various shapes and sizes on their student's laps. More owls began flooding the Great Hall, filling each table with mail. I waited and waited for mine to appear, but began to lose hope that I would not receive anything.

I suddenly spot her, my beautiful Snowy Owl, Celeste. I could pick her out of a crowd with ease. She carried a box towards my table releasing it just above me. After landing in my lap, I began to unwrap it. It was from my parents. They left me a note. 

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