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Some time had passed. When I say some time, I mean about a week or so. That was still a long time. A long time of ignoring Draco. A long time in my own head. 

I had been called to Dumbledore's office. This is the first time I would have gone to speak to him in a while. He hadn't gotten a recent update on how this so-called mission is going. I hate that I'm going to have to break the bad news to him. 

"You wanted to see me Professor Dumbledore." I enter his chambers.

"Yes Miss Granger. Please come forward." The headmaster appears from behind a pillar. I do as I'm told. "I have heard that you have been skipping classes lately. Is this true?" He stares at me down the bridge of his nose. 

"Just a few classes, Professor." Actually that was a lie. I had missed most of my classes this week. Dumbledore doesn't budge. "Okay, I may have missed more than a few classes, sir."

"That's what I thought." He paced from one edge of his desk to the other. Shit, now I'm in trouble, I thought. "You know your O.W.L.s are coming up.."

"Yes, Professor." I nod.

"And with you missing this many classes, your grades are beginning to drop. You're too good for that Miss Granger." He sternly informs me. "I see a very bright future in your magical career, and I can't have you messing that up by skipping."

"I'm sorry. I'll be sure to attend my classes this week for sure."

"Oh, you will." He stops pacing. "In fact, in one class in particular, your grade has significantly dropped. I am going to suggest a tutoring class beginning on Monday after dinner."

"What class is it, sir?"

"Transfiguration." He says calmly. Damn. That was one of my favorite classes too. I guess I wouldn't mind having another lesson or two in it, since it wasn't a boring one. 

"Yes, Professor."

"Glad to hear you understand." He goes to sit behind his desk, as if the conversation he wanted to have with me was over. 

I turn to leave, but stop myself as I remembered I had something else to tell him. "Um, Professor Dumbledore?" He peeks over his glasses. "Draco is hopeless." Those were the only words I could force out of my mouth.

"And why do you say that?" 

"I have tried time and time again to feel him out. As soon as I think I've got him, he spits out another slur to change my mind. He isn't a good man, and I don't believe this is going to work."

Dumbledore puts down his book and focuses his attention on me. He ponders over my words. "I know that's what you believe. And I know he is a troubled child. But, he is just a boy that has always made the wrong choices. It's something he is used to. You have to keep trying, because I believe that once he makes one right choice, he won't want to go back to the wrong ones." 

"But-" I start.

"Trust me." His eyes burn into my soul. I had nothing else I could say to him to convince him otherwise. I had to leave it at that, and I suppose I would keep trying him if I could force myself to do so. Only time would tell. 


Monday, at dinner, I sat with Iris and Amber. I did not hesitate to stuff myself with chicken pot pie and various desserts that called my name. Food was something I seemed to run to when my feelings were overtaking me.

"Well, everyone," I begin, "I have a tutoring session to get to, so I think I'll be on my way." I stand from my seat and slowly begin gathering my things as my friends tell me bye. 

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