"Your cars all wet" Alfie sighed, completely embarrassed.

"Don't you worry about that. I've got some towels in the back that I can put on your seat and I'll get it all sorted once I'm home" Mr Bentley reassured.

Alfie smiled weakly back, thankful that Mr Bentley didn't seem particularly angry at him for his accident.

"I'll drive you both home" Mr Bentley said as the boys got into the car.

"Thanks, sir" Logan replied happily.

After around 15 minutes of driving Mr Bentley pulled up outside of Alfie's house, his mum standing frantically by the front door.

"Oh, sweetheart, where have you been?" she asked, panic evident in her voice.

"There was an incident at school this afternoon during gym where Alfie hit his head" Mr Bentley explained.

Alfie's mum quickly spun him around in search of the injury at the back of his head.

"I've taken him up to the ER and they've given it a few stitches, but he should be absolutely fine" Mr Bentley went on to say.

"What happened?" Alfie's mum asked curiously.

"It doesn't matter" Alfie interjected before Mr Bentley could talk. He didn't want his mum knowing that somebody was being mean to him at school again.

"Yes it does" Alfie's mum said firmly, looking directly at Mr Bentley for an answer.

"I wasn't there when it happened, so I can only assume it was an accident" Mr Bentley told a white lie. He knew exactly what had happened, but understood that Alfie didn't want his mum knowing the full details.

"Was it an accident?" Alfie's mum asked.

Alfie nodded, not liking lying to his mum.

Alfie's mum was unconvinced, but decided to stop probing Alfie with further questions.

"Thank you so much for bringing him home" Alfie's mum smiled at Mr Bentley before he turned back to his car so he could take Logan back to his house.

Once inside, Alfie slumped himself down on the sofa. It had been a very difficult day, even though he wasn't going to admit it to his mum.

"I know the doctor said your new medication would be ready tomorrow, but they rang up this afternoon and I managed to pick it up from the pharmacy today" Alfie's mum told Alfie.

With all the drama of the day Alfie had completely forgotten about the doctors appointment and what they had said to him about his new medication.

"They advised we start in the morning" Alfie's mum said.

"Mum, I really don't want to" Alfie moaned.

"Sweetheart, I know you don't, but it's really important" she tried to reassure.

"I peed my pants today" Alfie admitted boldly.

"What happened?" Alfie's mum questioned.

"When Mr Bentley was taking me to the hospital. I couldn't wait" Alfie explained.

Alfie's mum knew how afraid Alfie was about the new medication, especially as the doctors had mentioned it would make his accidents worse for the initial few weeks, so she had prepared herself.

Out of a bag that was sat next to the sofa, Alfie's mum pulled out a pack of size large pull-ups.

Alfie's eyes grew wide as he saw what his mum had placed in front of him.

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