Raja shoved Damian's main assailant to another one of the soldiers and raised his sword to the teacher who was clearly trying to intimidate his prince.

"You will not address the Prince this way," Raja said calmly then glanced at one of the teachers who seemed to have the most honest eyes, "you go fetch the one in charge while I notify the prince's mother."

The woman swallowed hard before looking at her colleagues who didn't know what to do, she then nodded and ran to the principal's office. Someone whispered to her as she ran, "call 9-1-1", while one of the shadows was calling Talia.

"My prince," Raja bowed his head to Damian, "I beg you, stand behind me."

"You will release these children this instance!" the man barked again, with less bite as the sword was still pressed on his neck, "do you not know who they are?"

"Do you not know who he is?" Raja's head tilted towards Damian who had taken shelter behind him.

"Just because Bruce Wayne and his eccentric behavior can afford a legion of thugs to terrorize these innocent children-"

"Gentlemen, please," the principal came running at full speed, even in Gotham, he never thought he'd ever see ninjas holding recess hostage, "the police are on their way, there is no way out of this."

"We have diplomatic immunity, we are the equivalent, yet far more competent, version of your secret service, we are the prince's personal security detail," Raja held his head high and didn't hide his annoyance, "your police cannot arrest us, or you will be opening yourselves up to an international incident."

"Who the fuck-" the bald man tried to speak but shut up when the principal held his hands up and approached Raja.

"Would you please explain to me how Damian Wayne is somehow a prince who has security detail composed of heavily armed ninjas when Mr. Wayne never mentioned any of this?" the principal asked, he tried to hide the mocking in his tone, he tried to hide the incredulity in his voice, but he didn't know who he was messing with.

"Once Lady Talia and the Ambassador of Nanda Parbat arrive, they will see if they deem you worthy of this knowledge," Raja sniffed imperiously.

"Is that even a real place?" one of the teens whispered in a very confused tone.

"Nanda Parbat is small yet very proud and incredibly rich land situated in the south of Tibet, it is indeed a kingdom, and that was, until recently, caught in a civil war," the woman, who turned out to be the geography teacher explained, she looked at Damian with so much sadness in her eyes, "it was said that the crown prince was forced to flee at a very young age, despite his efforts and real prowess in battle. His mother knew he was in danger being the only hope the country has."

"How do you know this?" the principal swallowed hard, "and why have you never said anything?"

"I watch the fucking international news! Not just the crap on GNN! That's how I know Ferdinand!" she snapped at him like a true Gothamite, "and I never said I knew that their prince was Damian Wayne."

Later, in the principal's office

It turned out the ninjas had every legal right to be on school grounds but not in the building which is how they missed previous incidents, and were not obligated to notify the authorities or the school's board of their presence, so the cops scurried off quickly not wanting to be the reason of an international incident. The Ambassador explained that he needn't be explaining these things to the principal and that Damian's identity was kept secret for obvious reasons, he was in danger and multiple attempts on his life had been made before being sent to live in the US.

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