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Cassie enjoyed the horror stricken faces of the people within her home.

"I'm not here to kill any of you."

Causing the entire group to relax, except Moody he was always paranoid.

Looking at Sirius and Remus, she said


Harry saw where she was looking and couldn't believe her! Why would she ever kill her father.

"And before I give you all your wands, I'd like to tell you a story."

Minerva tilted her head slightly what on earth was happening. 

"So relax, keep your hands to yourself. And you may learn something valuable."

Hermione at the prospect of learning sat straighter.

" who here knows the name Regulus Arcturus Black?"

Hermione raised her hand. Cassie nodded her head at her.

"He was known to be one of the top students to ever study at Hogwarts. He was a star seeker. And he died at 18."

Sirius tried to keep his composure. He hated being in this house but, now he was talking about his family. The people whom he hated.

"Harry what did Sirius tell you he did after he ran away?" She asked, she knew the answer. The entire room knew that. They also saw how she wanted to explain something.

"He said he ran away from his house because, he was being abused and went to live with my father. He said it was because he was a gryfinndor."

She looked at the boy as if he were stupid.

She pointed at her father.

"And do you know what he did. The minute his younger brother was sorted into Slytherin. He ignored and neglected his brother. The very own thing he was upset at his family for doing to him. Except poor Regulus was only 11 when his older brother. His role model. His best friend. Chose to leave him and chose some boys he had only known for a year. Over his own bloody brother."

Harry looked taken aback, glancing at his godfather he realized this woman was indeed telling the truth for the look of shame upon his face.

And Harry realized something, he too could've been in Slytherin. He was lucky.

The Weasley's were horrified he ignored his brother because of where he was sorted??

The adults in the room were sitting wanting to know more. This information could help them.

"And Regulus tried every day to speak to his brother. And do you know what he did."

She looked straight into the eyes of the transfiguration Professor. Scaring the elder slightly.

"He sent him a jinx. And told him he would never be sibling with a slimy snake. And when Regulus went to inform a professor of being jinxed at only 11.

She sent him away. Telling him she couldn't do anything. Showing blatant favoritism to a group of bullies."

The current students stared at her shocked.

The Neglected Daughter of Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now