Within an hour or two, I got to grandpa's place.

Grandpa's house isn't that massive, it was just simple and beautiful...Grandpa loves to be simple and natural, he never fancied extravagant or pompous things. I climbed out of my black Rolls Royce Phantom, grandpa was sitting on a bench on his front porch. I walk straight to grandpa and hugged him.

"You have grown so tall, Vince, you are even taller and muscular than Grandpa" He laughed. Dad wasn't lying, I workout daily, even though I am a doctor, I needed to be fit and good-looking. I smiled at his words... The De Luca's are known for their unspeakable heights, I'm 6ft5, even as old as grandpa is, he is 6ft tall, dad was 6ft2, De Luca's height was admired all around, it was admired by all, it was what attracted the media to us.

"Grandpa, what have you been doing? Have you been working out?"I joked, and grandpa laughed at my sarcasm. I took out the fishing hooks, hunting guns, and a basket of grandpa's food from the car. We went inside the house while Grandpa kept on talking about the different exciting trips he had had for the past 3 months.

Grandpa excused me to have a shower, while I explored the house... I walk into a room, the room was brightly lighted up by the sun that shone from the only window in the room, there was a table that had different types and sizes of paint brushes arranged in its case. while the right side of the room were paints of different colors stacked up in a neat setting.  In the middle of the room was a drawing stand with a big canvas, half painted. Grandpa was painting his wife, a beautiful piece, it was... Grandpa loved grandma, even after her death he loved her, and she died from a plague... Ever since the death of grandma, grandpa would draw her, he would say her eyes lit up the room like the stars that shine at night. Grandpa was romantic. I wish I would find someone who shares the same faith I have, just like how grandpa and grandma did. I was so buried deep into the art that I didn't hear grandpa walk in... I came out of my daydreams when he touched my shoulder.

"She is very beautiful," I said. He just nodded his head with a smile.

"You know son, my father once told me, love is the answer to every problem" I didn't understand what he said I just smiled in response.

"Uhm, grandpa! which would you like to do first? Fishing or hunting?"

"Hmmm, fishing, then we would go hunting later," Grandpa said pretending to think of something.

"Ok! I race you to the pond Pops" I laughed, running for the front door, getting to the pond, grandpa was already there panting. I was really surprised, grandpa was so fast, but how.

"I passed the backdoor" Grandpa laughed trying to catch his breath. I laughed so hard.

"But that's not fair, you cheated grandpa, because it's your house so you know the fastest route... I would just let this roll... 1-0" I pretend to look sad with a pout face.

We laughed and fished, talking about different random things and also what dad did when he was young that grandpa laughed about. We had caught more than 20 fish, so now we were grilling the fish for dinner. Grandpa was staring at the sky, I saw a smile that I haven't seen since their death of grandma. He only smiled like this when he was in love.

"I see your grandma's face, I see it in the sky so clearly."

"the skies indeed are beautiful, just like Ginevra's face, her eyes are like the stars that shine at night, her lips..oh my gosh it looks so soft, I just wish I could kiss them," I said thinking about it as I look at the sky.

" So Vince, who is this Ginevra girl that has caught my grandson's heart?"  Grandpa gave me that eyebrow waggle that made me smile. I didn't know he was listening to me talk about Ginevra.

"Uhmm, grandpa, well, she is a girl I just met," I said blushing.

"Just a girl you just met, do you have something you still want to tell me, Vince?"He kept on giving me the eyebrow waggle

"Ok pops, she is one of my patients that was brought to the last month and I just have this feeling in me but I don't know what the feeling is?"  I kept on blushing like a teenage boy in love.

"Well young De Luca, I would say that feeling is love, it is what I felt when I met your grandma and what I still feel towards her till now." I kept on staring at Grandpa, what if he was right, I love Ginevra? Hmm, I just wish she could wake up. I want to see those hazel eyes stare at my eyes.

"But Grandpa, she is in a coma, she hasn't woken up and I don't know what to do," I said looking down at my feet. Grandpa touched my shoulder. " Vince, everything will be alright, if you two are meant to be, then you will be together, that is faith." 

Hmmm, grandpa is right... We went hunting after the fish was grilled and stored. Grandpa killed 2 bears while I just killed one dear, it was so interesting, grandpa kept on talking about his secret motives for hunting. We laughed and shared our funny moments. Dad was asleep while I cleared up the dining table. I took a blanket from the laundry room and covered pops in it. I lay on the other couch to sleep as I think of the fun moments I had with Grandpa.

180 DAYSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora